Trafalgar Law

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Halloween special 2023 – Law

You sat on the loveseat in your dark living room, quietly gazing at the shimmering lights of Grand Line City's skyline. Oranges and whites flickered in the darkness of the night, red lights gleamed at you from in-between, your eyes fixed on a large green cross in the distance.

Although living with one of the best and youngest doctors in the country had plenty of drawbacks, the pay was one of the ups. It enabled you to keep working in the job you loved – you had made a lot of very good friends in the maid café – and it paid for the large loft you and your boyfriend called your home.

It was a weak consolation for the fact that your boyfriend was more absent than present, but you had accepted his physical absence a long time ago. Becoming a doctor had always been Law's dream job. Wanting to upkeep his family's tradition, he had never even considered anything else. It was also the first thing you had learnt about him when his friends Shachi, Penguin and Bepo had pulled him into your café for the first time.

What a group of rugrats. Sometimes you still didn't understand how someone as calm as Law could befriend people as extroverted and lively as them. You still had your bets set on them just adopting Law and wearing him down to the point where he just accepted his fate.

But then again, he was also friends with Luffy. That boy was much worse than the previous three combined. Although, you couldn't give the ravenette too much shit. After all, he was the reason why you two had started dating. Upon realising that you shared a mutual friend when you had served him coffee during your first encounter, you started talking.

A few years later and here you were, nervously chewing on your nails as you stared at the bright lights of Law's workplace, waiting for him to come home.

Usually, you were always excited when the end of his shift neared. Today, however, you weren't sure whether you wanted him to be called into an emergency shift. Not that you wanted to get rid of him or him to overwork himself, but there was something nagging at the back your mind as you stared blankly at the hospital.

You hadn't informed Law of this year's theme. It was a stretch to get him to join at all, but he eventually begrudgingly agreed. The fact that he didn't even seem a little bit excited about the party only made you more nervous in regard to telling him what he had to come dressed as.

If he already hated the idea of the party, there was no telling how much he hated the clothes you wanted to stick him into.

Your phone buzzed on the lounge table in front of you, urging you to abandon your silent torment of your nails as you leaned forward and grabbed it. It was a message from Law.

I'm scared of bread ❤️: I'll be home in a bit.

The message made your heart drop into your stomach as you got up from the couch. You couldn't outrun the impending talk any longer, but you could still make the starting conditions more favourable.

Quietly padding into the kitchen, you busied yourself with mentally going over what you could cook for dinner, before settling on grilling some fish and making some onigiri. 

You had been exceptionally nice to Law all week. Preparing his favourite foods, giving him massages, and watching the newest season of The Good Doctor whilst listening intently to him bitch about whatever wasn't accurate.

Really, you had stopped watching medical shows with him around. He couldn't keep his mouth shut. But you knew he masochistically enjoyed watching how bad some of those shows were, even if it was just to correct them, and so you also used this trait of his to get him into a better mood.

A One Piece Halloween - Role Reversal (Various x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now