Chapter 5

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The bloody dagger slipped through Rhaenyra's hands to the forests ground. She had yelped a little too loud when she sliced the dagger through her open palm, causing Aelanna to whip her head in fear that they were heard in the direction she knew Glen was waiting for them.

She pleaded that he didn't.

They were not so lucky.

Glen had stared in the direction the two little girls went when he started to feel that they were taking too long to show back. He didn't liked that, so when he heard Rhaenyra's yelp he bolted out of his seat, or rather rock, and took big steps to where the silver haired were hiding.

At the same time, when he was about to reach the girls he heard screams and sounds of a fight ensuing, happening a few feet ahead, in the direction of where the tavern is. Glen turned to the sounds and was questioning if he should check what had happened, to see if his friends were okay, or to fetch the two girls that were taking too damn long to his liking.

His head was turning left and right, to the bushes and to the tavern, trying quickly to come up with a decision, and with one last look at the bushes he decidided to go for the girls, thinking that if anything were to happen to his male friends that he could grab the little ones and leave the land, or find another buyer that was willing to take them and give him coin.

Rhaenyra and Aelanna jumped on her feet when they heard that Glen had approached them. The cousins quickly hugged each other and held on tight, in fear of what their captor was to do to them now that they had disobeyed him.

Glen stopped when he saw the two girls holding tight to one another, but what really caught his eye was the blood smearing their dresses.

"What did you do?" He asked with an angry voice and eyes full of rage. That was when he jumped to them, making little Aelanna and Rhaenyra back away in fear for their lives, and when he was about to touch Rhaenyra's arm they saw someone grab Glen's shoulder from behind and turn him around.

The girls couldn't put a face to that person, they thought that maybe it was either Fred or Seamus. They were truly in trouble now.

But to their surprise, the person punched the end of their sword to Glen's nose, making him stumble and grab his injured nose, blood coming out of it. Aelanna quickly realised that the person that harmed Glen was a knight, a woman that is, and she couldn't believe her eyes. Are they being rescued? Are her family here?

The knight didn't let Glen recover or have time to think, she kicked him in his chest making him fall on his back, and took big steeps towards him to put her feet on his neck, making pressure. Glen was clawing her foot, trying desperately to breath.

Aelanna and Rhaenyra were watching the fight unfold with wide eyes, the later didn't know what to take from all that was happening, a lot of things happened since they went to the bushes, and she didn't even had the time to absorb all that in. She just wanted to go home.

The woman knight was looking down at Glen with furious eyes, she felt nothing but hatred to the man that kidnapped the Targaryen girls, who wanting to sell them like they were some slaves. With one swift motion she raised her sword and stabed his eye, going deep into his brain. He was dead in an instant.

At that Rhaenyra closed her eyes tightly and turned her head away from that sight, resting her head on Aelanna's neck. Aelanna could only push her cousin closer. Just wanting for this all to end.

The knight plucked her sword out and cleaned the steel on Glen's garments, to get rid of his blood. Once done, she turned around, locking eyes with Aelanna's violet ones, noticing also the way Rhaenyra clinged to her. They were frightened.

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