Chapter 10

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Destiny is a much interesting thing. We can not run from it. It is cast upon us from the moment we take our first breath.

Queen Aemma was another poor soul whose fate was written for her, bound to another man to please him and bare his children, to do her duty without complain and serve the realm. All her sweat and tears, her loyalness led her to this day, her funeral and of her stillborn child.

To wed Viserys, led her to her death. His obsession for a male heir, his illusions from his dreams made him believe that sacrificing his Lady wife for his son was the right decision to make. To strip her from her own choices, to muffle her decisions for his own selfish needs. King Viserys took her own will, thinking to be what was right, only for it to backfire and slap him in the face. The Gods punished him, for Aemma's fate was not his to take, so for choosing her end, they took the two of them for themselves. And now Viserys The 'Peaceful' was left with his only female child, Rhaenyra.

It all happened too fast. Rhaenyra was left to not be able to mourn her mother and brother on her own accord, Aemma's and Baelon's bodies were prepared in one day and the next it was their funeral. Both bodies wrapped and laid on pyres, the ceremony taking place on a cliff with the view of the Black Sea in front of it.

A few Lords and Ladies of the court were in attendance, the Velaryons were placed behind the royal family, a few steps behind. Aelanna was right beside Rhaenyra, her hand softly placed around her arm with Vaehaerys and Daemon behind them. Alicent was on the other side of the Princess, only a foot away, and lastly Viserys was at a good distance, his eyes cast down in deep grief. Otto was merely looking at the ground behind Viserys.

The StarkTargs could very well understand the pain Rhaenyra was feeling at the moment, Alicent as well. With the four of them sadly having in common the hole inside of their chests with having to experience at such a young age the feeling of being motherless.

But the only good thing coming out of this gloom day, is that the Princess was not alone, nor she will ever be.

Rhaenyra was tasked to order Syrax to breathe fire on the pyres, but the girl had not uttered a single word since the ceremony had started. Her mind was far away, her eyes red and face puffy from her hours of crying inside her chambers.

Daemon slowly approached her, his heavy eyes showing that he silently cared, "They're waiting for you." He softly whispers.

"I wonder if, during those few hours my brother lived, my father finally found happiness." Rhaenyra wondered, choosing to speak in their mother tongue, High Valiryan, for no one else to understand what they were saying.

Aelanna gently slid her hand down her arm to grab her cousin's cold one, and with a pained expression she placed her chin on her shoulder. Her own heart was breaking for her other half, that thought she wasn't enough for her father.

"Your father needs you," Daemon continued in High Valiryan and paused, "more now than he ever has."

"I will never be a son." Her voice cracked at realising the sad truth. Rhaenyra knew that she will never be what her father desired her to be. She realised that she will never fully please him.

The Princess started to take steps forwards, so Aelanna moved her hand away to let Rhaenyra do what she has to do, but the latter only grips her hand tighter, pushing her forward, "I need you.." Aelanna only nodded, doing whatever her cousin wanted her do to at the moment.

And so, the two young girls took a few steps ahead, claiming Syrax's attention, but Rhaenyra could not give the order out, the word stuck on her tongue. She only turned her head at her father, sending him a glare filled with grief.

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