Chapter 17 - Guess we'll just wait.

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Moments later, the crew decides to return to the reception building of the school. The scientific apparatuses are placed on the secretary's desk as the students, Vai and Dr. Tate found seats around the room. Some of the seats are the floor, but that doesn't seem to bother the students much.
Keith and Curtis look out the glass door, waiting to see the flashing red and blue lights of a police car driving up to the school.
Not even a car passes by.

Hell... not even a bird.

Dr. Bill Tate stands up and heads to the main building's narrow hallway where Curtis is leaning against the wall and past the reception desk where Keith is fiddling with a pen. It leads to a few doors, one being his office, the teacher's washrooms and the staffroom which leads to another exit.

"If you see the back door open, let me know." Curtis announces as Dr. Tate walks by him.

"Alright but may I ask the purpose?" Tate asks.

"Cause they don't have a key for it. If it's open – then that means we'll have to start running."

"Noted," Dr. Tate breathes a laugh, "Do you have a key for the facilities or do I need to run if I see that open too?"

Curtis grins, "It's open."

Keith gets up and walks over to the glass sliding door of the Main Office. His hand is pressed against the glass door as he looks around at the outside. Unaware that he's mumbling to himself.

"Is Professor Keith alright?" Dr. Tate notices Keith's firm stare pointed to the door.

"I was hoping you'd tell me that." Curtis rakes a hand through his hair, "Not since he realized that the keys were car keys."

"Certain situations are quite distressing. There are many reasons someone would be in that state – for instance." They continue walking into the hallway, and soon disappear into a room. "Especially when there is a glimmer of hope to the end of a stressful situation only to be pushed back in."

"If Mr. Stevenson weren't a Professor, I'd think he'd be a psychologist." Dakota surmises, looking at the two men leaving the room to start a spirited conversation in the rest room.

"Guess he'd have to be. He already has the patient." Alex directs a worried gaze to Keith who is staring out of the window. A million thoughts going through his head. "We should check if he's okay." She presumes but continues to sit and watch her relative.

But that's Keith, even through Christmas Time at the dining table after church, he would be in his own little world. Alex would watch as he zoned out from the rest of the family, clouded with thought as he enjoyed a pretty dry sandwich.

But that's the way he liked him, she guessed.

Keith was always nice to her anyway. Once they were talking one on one, Keith seemed to be at ease. He'd rock back in his chair, point an elbow upwards as he tugs the back of his collar. Maybe it is when he is stressed about something, he gets like this. Alex wonders.

Back to Keith, a million thoughts were running through his head. He looked past his fainted reflection in the glass door. His vision locked on the exit. The trees, the gate, the security booth and anything near it that could be used as an escape route.

Okay, We could climb the tree. We just have to get the body down first.
I'll have to buy Vai another car if I could just ram it into the gate and we could get out of here.
What if I get two screwdrivers and untangle the electric wire from the fence.

I should have learnt how to pick locks. But no, dad had to send me to music classes.
I wonder how useful an arpeggio is right now.
At least I took Red Cross.
Didn't learn anything except the difference between a venomous and non-venomous snake.
That's useful. I guess.

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