Chapter 8 - Breaking And Entering

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A few moments later, Keith makes it to the Main Office's front steps. He looks around at the University campus. The orange illumination of the parking lot in the distance makes him slip a hand-out of his warm pocket to check his watch.

Mr. Tripper must walk at the average speed of a turtle. The University seems to grow darker through every passing second. He almost scoffs to himself, still thinking about the phantom whistling he heard before.

Who could whistle in an empty building? But he starts humming the first song that comes to mind –

I'm a Barbie girl.

Keith hears a loud BANG coming from the office and goes to check it out when he sees the bottom half of a person dangling out the window. The person seemed to be wedged in the opening by the waist.
Keith almost immediately recognizes the ass.


The wiggling of legs freeze mid-air. His voice answers, "Satan?"

"I'm touched that's the first thing you think of when you hear my voice." Keith gets closer and notices the ladder laying against the bench. The propping mechanism shattered upon impact. "Like you forget how to use a door or what?" Keith asks, frowning at the tool that is now useless.


"It's Keith, you peanut." Keith announces a little louder.

"Oh good. Cause if God is real, I'm going to Hell for sure." Curtis answers though it sounds muffled.

"Don't move too much alright." Keith jogs to the main office's steps while fumbling in his bag for the keys.

Soon he reaches the principal's office. He unlocks the door to see Curtis' holding onto the top of the filing cabinet, attempting to yank himself inside. Keith slings off his bag, dropping it on a chair. He hops onto the principal's desk so that they are now eye level to one another. Keith sets a stance trying to make sure to stand behind the computer monitor incase he falls cause the only insurance he has is Health Insurance.

Curtis grabs onto Keith's arms waiting to be pulled through. Keith inspects the area where Curtis seems to be stuck. Although his stomach looks pressed firmly into the window frame, there seems to be space between his back and the top of the window.

"It looks tight but I think I can pull you through."

"Is that another way of telling me that I'm fat?" Curtis breathes a laugh.

"No but the ladder might say that." Keith replies, holding back a smile. He moves Curtis' hands to his shoulders as he adjusts his grip on Curtis' underarms.
A few moments of tugging and adjusting later, Curtis' ass finally gets through the window and he slides onto the other filing cabinets pressed up against the wall.

"Alright I can manage from here." Curtis tells him, belly crawling so that the rest of his body gets through.

Keith maneuvers his way off the desk, then looks back to see if Curtis has gotten himself stuck in a new position – lying horizontally atop the cupboards lining the wall, "Alright you can get down from there."

Curtis notices a worried expression painted on his co-worker's face. Keith's hand is pressed against his face, deep in thought.

"What happened – why are you looking at me like that?

"No, - I'm just wondering what would you have done I weren't here?" Keith ponders.

"Call you." Curtis answers simply. He dangles a foot off which reaches the back of the Principal's chair. "By the way – How the hell you could fit through here but not me. My torso is through... did you get a good look back there, I think it's my hips. I felt it on my hips. I blame my wife for this. She is why I am fat."

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