Chapter 3: The Opening of the Crèche.

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As Keith leaves the room he quickly zooms by his father's office, meanwhile attempting to hide the contract at his side. His peripheral vision can just make out his dad's figure looking down at the papers on his desk, hard at work – as usual.

He motions goodbye to the secretary and heads out the glass sliding door of the main office and down it's steps. As he reaches the gate, he almost bumps into another co-worker, Professor Grier, a petite blonde woman, stepping through the little door in the gate, he pauses at the side waiting for her to get through.

"Good evening." She greets him. Keith forces a smile and a nod as she continues talking, "A student needs a little help in the car lot. Would you help her out?"

"Yeah. Sure" Keith accepts out of habit.
Well, he already accepted it, might as well do it.

Soon, he enters the University's parking lot which is never empty. Both Dormitory Students and Students who live in the town use the lot. The town students drive in sometimes to take advantage of the 24/7 opening hours of the library.

Whereas the dorm students just use it for free parking as they could easily enter through the side gate as the dorms are right next to the school itself. It's separated by the half-fence wall for... reasons. No one knows so let's just go with - 

Cause privacy and stuff.

It seems like someone is stalking him. Crouched down in the bushes that press up against the fence, the eyes of a 3rd party watch as Keith passes a glance at his prized dark-green Isuzu D-Max somewhat shaded under a nearby tree before heading over to a dark-haired woman waiting for him. She's wearing a white and black sweater, standing anxiously next to her van.

She's a student at the school who often keeps to herself intended to make it through the school year as invisible as possible. However, that plan isn't working out anymore as her one weakness has revealed itself in the form of a flat tire.

"Sorry to bother you but I got a flat tire, and I don't have a spare." She pushes a lock of hair behind her ear, looking annoyed that this even happened. "I'm Debra by the way.'

"I'm Keith." He greets her, then looks at the problem.

"I was thinking we could go get one at the tire store." The brunette gives a forced smile. "I'll pay you." Debra puts a hand on the purse hanging at her side.

"I'll just give you mine for now. It should fit, if not we'll just hijack someone else's." Keith jokes earning a smile from Debra. He fishes his keys out of his pants pocket heading over to his van with Debra tailing behind.

She watches as he raises the cover of van tray, places his folder at the side, then dips his hands in, retrieving his own spare.

"Here." He balances the tire on the van's tray. She looks at it, about to take it and try to fix the flat herself.

That would be fine if she knew how to.

"I'm kidding." He mentally regrets his unfunny joke. The tire presses into his silky red dress shirt as he lifts it. A little patch of fuzz forms as the threads hooks onto the wheel.

At the same time, Keith's mother is chilling at the fire station, and suddenly she is mad at Keith but not sure why. Maybe, if she thinks hard enough, she might realize that her son has ruined his last formal shirt.

"Thanks." Debra's face softens, breathing a sigh. Keith moves the tire over to her car. "So how are you?"

"I'm fine." He takes out the jack from her car along with a lug wrench. "You?"

"I'm alright I guess, I thought I'd be late for a practice session in Church. I'm in the Choir, we're doing a Christmas Special." She explains. "I'm using my dad's van today."

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