~Part 9~

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It's been a while now, everyone here has had enough to drink, including me. I thought why not and have fun, and now we are going to do a kind of karting game for 18+. I don't know what to expect, but Nina said it could lead to strange things. we sit under the cut-off. "Who starts" Martijn laughs tipsily "You" Louis says and he nods and takes a card. "take 4 shots easy one" He says and does what is on the card "These are approximately the orders" i Ask Nina "It's getting worse" She says and looks at her a bit strangely "It will be fine" She says and I nod and so it goes around until it's my turn "Give the next person a kiss" Fortunately it says no boy and Nina looks at me "This is so outside my comfort zone" I say and Nina grabs my face a little and presses a quick simple kiss on my lips "I think now someone was sorry he wasn't there" Louis whispered in my ear and gave a little push. Nina has to drink in one try glass of wine and it's best simple. Why did I get such a crappy assignment again? And so it goes on for a few rounds and I had some easy assignments and thought it was luck until now. "Give someone a dance" it says and I shake my head "Yes, hello, I'm not going to undress here" I say and Nina laughs "Give a little dancing and stuff, that's fine too" Nina says and sighs "Yes, but I think we can choose someone" Martijn says a little too happily "No, you don't dare" I say and he raises his eyebrows "I don't think he mind at all" Louis says and sighs "Okay, fine, but let me drink two more glasses of wine." " I say with great regret and hear Louis and Martijn cheering. "Oh and Martijn, I will kill you if you ever bring this up or say this to my brother." I say and Martijn holds his hands high. In the meantime, the chair is being prepared and I increasingly feel that this is not what I want. "What am I doing to myself?" I say as I get up and walk to the chair. "You really don't have to do that." Lando says softly in my ear. "We give them what they want, maybe they will keep their mouths shut." I say and Lando nods softly. I sigh softly and really don't know what to do so yes I dance a bit and walk around with my hand over his chest and then sit on his lap and move my hips a bit. I really don't know anything more "I don't know anything more, satisfied now" I say and climb off Lando's lap. Martijn and Louis nod and give each other a high five. "Fuck you." I say and Louis gives me the middle finger. This goes on for a few more rounds and we stop for time and have a few more drinks. Nina comes to me and sits down with me "So what's going on with you Lando? Everyone sees that he likes you." Nina laughs and turn me around and see him talking to the others "Yes, he's really nice boy, he'll sleep well tonight too." with him because of all those noises on the top floor, so I think I might like him too." I say and Nina puts her hands in the air. "Can you please keep it to yourself?" I ask and she nods. We walk back to some other conversations with the other person who also had about all kinds of things

It's half past four and everyone is still busy talking and having a really nice time, but I'm starting to get really tired and the drink is starting to sink in my feet. So I decide to sit down for a while because I don't want to be the bedtime person again. "Are you tired?" Lando asks when he comes to check on me after half an hour. "Yes, but I don't want to be the person who always goes to bed." I say and Lando laughs "Well then we'll go to bed together. I'm tired too and Kelly is trying to to hit on me" Lando laughs and extends his hand to me I grab it and he pulls me up "Do you still want to sleep with me" Lando laughs and I nod "I just need to get some pajamas" I say as we enter Lando stops me and pulls me to his bedroom and throws a shirt at me "That can also be used as pajamas" He says and I nod "Turn around" I say and take off my dress and put the shirt over it, it looks good really like the opposite shirt. "Cute" Lando says and we both lie in bed and I turn towards the wall. "Sleep well" Lando says and that is the last thing he hears and then he falls into a deep sleep.

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