Hints of What's to Come

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"I was right!" Shouto slammed open the door to Izuku's base with zero preamble and Izuku was off the couch with a knife in his hand before he realized who it was.

"Oh, it's just you." Izuku put the knife away and sat back down, "And what were you right about?"

His boyfriend looked at him intensely, "It's a conspiracy."

"Another conspiracy?" Izuku laughed, "Is this the one Officer Sansa being a cat god?"

"No..yes...maybe, that part hasn't been proved yet." Shouto took off his hat and ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm talking about the one where a bunch of major companies, including Feel Good Inc., are part of a major extra-governmental group that's trying to take over the world!"

"Mhm." Izuku raised one eyeborw. "Not that I don't believe you Shouto, but what actual evidence do you have?"

Shouto sat down, "So, you know how you were complaining last week that nobody could get ahold of Giran?"

Izuku nodded, "I mean, now I'm pretty sure he's been kidnapped if the fingers and clothes the police have been finding are any indication."

"Bingo." Shouto smiled. "So, we were off in the mountains trying to let Shigaraki beat Gigantomania, right?"

"Right." Izuku nodded.

"Well then, we got this call on Twice's phone from the people who kidnapped Giran, giving us an hour to meet them in Deika City if we wanted to save him. When we showed up, they basically attacked us on sight to prove they were stronger. Not only is it Feel Good Incorporated, but they've got Detnerat and the leader of the Hearts and Mind party, not to mention a handful of heroes! Seriously, it was crazy!"

"Really?" Izuku hummed thoughtfully and leaned his chin on his hands. "With such powerful backers, I'm surprised I haven't heard of them."

"They haven't really done anything hugely criminal yet." Shouto shrugged. "Just some black market support items and stuff like that. They call themselves the..." Shouto struggled for a moment. "Oh, that's right! They call themselves the Meta Liberation Army."

Izuku's eyebrows shot up, "You mean like Destro? I thought that cult died out decades ago?"

Shouto hit himself on the head, " That's what they were acting like!" He laughed and put his feet up on the coffee table, "And I don't really know, I'd never heard of them before, I think the leader called himself Re-Destro, though."

"So basically," Izuku hummed, "this Meta Liberation Army tried to challenge the league in order assert their dominance. Considering you're here, I take it they lost."

Shouto nodded eagerly, "Yep. Oh, and your theory on Twice needing to be injured to overcome his psychological trauma was correct, by the way. We probably wouldn't have made it out alive if he didn't turn the tide by cloning himself. Well, that and Gigantomania showing up to try and fight Shigaraki again. As it was, Toga was pretty badly injured, but the doctor treated her wounds, so she'll probably have a few scars, but he said she'd make a full recovery."

Izuku clenched his fists, "Were you injured, Shouto?"

Shouto wrapped him in a hug, "Don't worry about me, I'm fine."

"But they tried to kill you! And you said for yourself that they hurt Himiko! What if they'd killed her? I don't have that many friends Shouto," Izuku's voice cracked, "I can't afford to lose any of you."

"Yeah," Shouto said softly, "but I'm strong and so is Toga. We wouldn't be in the league if we couldn't defend ourselves and we never go into battle alone. Dabi was there to protect me, and Twice protected Toga. We're ok."

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