Chapter 11

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We reached the Summer Realm and Kyra's castle in record time. I knew Hawthorne had been pushing Buck to his limit but he didn't seem to mind. Buck too seemed to want to get revenge for the wrongdoings done against me. 

"Hawthorne. Please think about this" I said as he jumped off of Buck. "Oh I have" Hawthorne promised as he stormed inside. In seconds he reappeared with Kyra behind him. He was dragging her by her long hair and she struggled to get free. "Let me go Hawthorne!" She screamed. "Not until you tell me what happened." "What happened with-" Kyra's words died in throat when she saw me. She looked like she had seen a ghost. "How" she breathed. "Explain!" Hawthorne demanded with a pull of Kyra's hair. She immediately got over her fear and glared at me. "You should be dead." "Dead? How?" I asked, confused. "Humans and fairies aren't exactly on the best of terms. I thought that if a strange girl was found right outside the barrier of town she would be killed." I gasped. "No one would be that cruel!" (though they had banished me to the forest for a week). "You're right. I should've done it myself." "Why!?" Hawthorne yelled. "Because! I wanted to be the queen of both the Summer and Fall Realm." "You wanted to be his wife?" I asked, piecing things together. "Yes! I love you Hawthorne!" "Well too bad. I would prefer to kill you right now, but my fiancé has asked for mercy. I will have you banished instead." "Banished!? You can't do that!" 

"Oh but he can" came a new voice. "Whittaker!" I said surprised. "What are you doing here?" "My animal friends told me something was amiss. Little did I know." "Whittaker!" Kyra cried. "Tell Hawthorne he can't banish me." "But he can. As you very well know, rulers like us are usually nominated by the people. I doubt they would be pleased to know you tried to have one of us killed. I can't even imagine what the Spring fairies would do if they knew." "Please don't tell them!" Kyra begged. "That's up to Laverna Whittaker said, looking at me. "She's the true ruler." "I....They don't have to know and if being banished is the lightest punishment..." "Trust me, it is" Hawthorne said. I nodded and decided to step into my role. "Then I Laverna, ruler of the Spring Realm, banish you Kyra from the Summer Realm throne." "No!" Kyra cried. "Be grateful" Hawthorne said as he threw her to the ground in disgust. "You could have been killed." "You'll regret this," Kyra vowed. "No. No more threats" Hawthorne said. "You do anything else against my fiancé and I swear I will have no problem putting my sword against you." Kyra started to cry but I couldn't find myself feeling bad. After all, she had tried to ruin my life. Tit for tat as they say. "Come Dear" Hawthorne said to me. "Let's go home." "The Fall Realm?" I asked hopefully. I loved the Spring Realm but it still had yet to feel like home. Hawthorne smiled. "As you wish."

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