Chapter 5

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"Here we are" Hawthorne said as Buck stopped before a fence that separated my town's land from whoever owned the land on the other side of the fence. "This is it?" I asked, confused. "No, to enter the fairy world, we must go through a portal." "Okay, where's the portal." "Can't you see it?" Hawthorne asked. "No." "Hmm. Let's try one thing. Close your eyes." I looked at him. He gave a small smile. "Just do it." I sighed and did as I was told. "Imagine the portal in your mind. What it looks like. Once you think you have it, open your eyes." I took a deep breath. I could do this. I was an artist. I imagined things all the time. 

"Do you have it?" Hawthorne asked. "I think so." "Then open your eyes." I opened my eyes and gasped to see the same swirling circle that was in my mind. "Can you see it?" "Yes" I breathed. Hawthorne nodded. "I was correct then. Let's visit someone to confirm it though." "Who?" "You'll see." "Okay" I said, still a bit weary. 

"You'll be okay. I promise" Hawthorne said, holding out his hand again. This time when we touched, only a small shudder went through me. I closed my eyes as we stepped through and I instantly felt different. I felt...lighter. I could hear birds chirping overhead and it felt much warmer outside. I opened my eyes to see the most beautiful world I had ever seen. Nothing I had ever painted could compare to the beauty I saw. There were colors I didn't even know existed. "Wow" I said, taking it all in. Hawthorne smiled. "Alexa, welcome to the Summer Realm."

"Summer Realm?" I asked, confused. "Yes. The Fairy World is broken into four realms. Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring. There is a ruler over each one. I rule one of them." I looked over Hawthorne's attire. "You must rule over Fall then." Hawthorne smiled. "Correct." "Why aren't we in your realm then?" "This is the quickest way to the Great Tree." "Great Tree?" "You'll see. Let's go" Hawthorne said, getting back on Buck. "Great", I said, rolling my eyes. "More riding..."

We rode for aways until we reached another forest area. This one was much brighter though and more inviting. I noticed it had gotten quiet though. The birds had stopped singing and there weren't any more animal noises. "Hawthorne- "Shh" Hawthorne said, leading me forward. "This is a sacred place. The fairy who rules over all the realms dwells here. I must ask her something." "Do I need to be present?" "Yes. Just show her great respect and you'll be fine." I gulped. "Okay." 

Hawthorne stepped in front of a huge tree that started glowing. Unnaturally so. "Oh great tree!" He cried. "Awaken!" The tree grew even brighter and I had to close my eyes until it dimmed. When I opened them, there was a young woman in white standing before us. She glowed just like the tree. "Mistress," Hawthorne said, bowing. I bowed as well, not sure what to do. 

The woman chuckled. "My, aren't you an interesting one." Hawthorne leaned back up and I did too. "My lady. This girl is from the human world and helped save Buck from a hunter's trap. He immediately trusted her which I thought was odd. Then she was able to see the Fairy World portal. Henceforth, her being able to be here." "Why did you bring her to me?" The woman asked. "I thought...I thought you could help confirm what she is." "I see. Come closer child."

 I looked at Hawthorne and he motioned me forward. I stood closer before the woman as she looked me over. I was scared but tried not to show it. "You are right, Hawthorne" she finally said. "She is one of us." What!? I thought, my eyes widening in shock. "But remember. Not everything is what it seems." What does that mean? I wondered. 

The woman stepped back though and vanished inside the tree. In seconds, Hawthorne and I were standing outside of the forest. We had been transported back. That was the least of my confusion though. "What did she mean I was one of you!?" "Alexa- "The truth Hawthorne!" 

Hawthorne glared at me and I saw a glimpse of how dangerous he could be. "Be careful little one" he warned. "Just tell me what's going on!" Hawthorne sighed. "The only way you could see the portal is if you are a fairy yourself." "What!?" Humans can't come to the Fairy World because they can't see the portal to get here." "But...but that's impossible!" "Is it? How well do you know your parents?" "I'm pretty sure they would have told me if I was adopted," I said, angrily crossing my arms. "Are you sure?" "How dare you!" I cried. "You know nothing about me." Hawthorne opened his mouth to speak but quickly closed it." "You're right. I'm sorry. I know this is a lot to take in. Whether you want to believe it or not though, you are a fairy. That's the only way you could be here." 

"I don't understand," I said, starting to cry. "Don't cry" Hawthorne said, reaching for me then thinking better of it. "We'll figure this out. If my guess is correct, you're from the Summer Realm. We'll go talk to Kyra and hopefully she can help us figure this out." "Who's Kyra?" I asked, wiping away my tears. "She's the ruler of this land. I don't remember her saying anyone has ever been taken from here, but she would know." "I thought you said humans couldn't get here." Hawthorne smiled sadly. "It wasn't always this way Alexa." Before the war?" I guessed. Hawthorne nodded. "Before the war." "I'm sorry" I said, touching his arm. Even though he hadn't told me, I had a feeling Hawthorne had lost loved ones during the war. Hawthorne looked at my hand before stepping away. "It's okay. Let's go talk to Kyra." "Right" I said, composing myself. "Hopefully she can help me."

We got back on Buck but this time it wasn't as long of a ride. I gasped as we approached a huge castle. "Do you live in one?" I asked. Hawthorne chuckled. "A castle? Yes. I think mine is much more impressive, but don't tell Kyra that. She's a little vain" Hawthorne said in my ear. I shuddered, but I don't think it was just because I was ticklish. "Halt! Who goes there?" A guard asked as he and another one crossed their weapons. "It's me," Hawthorne said, jumping down. "And a guest." "Lord Hawthorne. My apologies", the guard said bowing. "That's alright. Is Lady Kyra at home?" "Yes. Go right ahead." "Thank you. Buck, stay out of trouble" Hawthorne warned. Buck gave what I assumed was his best "who me?" look but I doubted Hawthorne was easily fooled. I gave Buck a pat before we went inside. 

We had just crossed the threshold when someone cried Hawthorne's name and ran into him. When they pulled away, I noticed we looked similar. We both had blond hair. Hers was longer though and she had blue eyes compared to my brown. "Who is this?" She asked, glaring at me. "Kyra," Hawthorne said, pulling away. "This is Alexandria. I believe she belongs in your realm." "My realm!?" Kyra cried, her eyes wide. "I've never seen her before!" "I believe she was kidnapped as a baby." "My! How awful! Why do you think she belongs here?" Hawthorne looked at me then looked at Kyra. "Right," Kyra said, laughing awkwardly. "We do look alike." "Was anyone taken from your land?" "Not that I know of." Not that she knows of? I wondered, raising an eyebrow. What kind of ruler didn't know if her own people went missing? 

"As far as I know, the only person that has gone missing is..." Kyra trailed off at the darkening of Hawthorne's eyes. "Don't say her name," he warned. "Of course not. My apologies." They must mean his fiancé I put together. "Can Alexa stay here?" "Alexa?" Kyra asked frowning. "My name is a mouthful," I interjected. Kyra glared at me but then quickly smiled. "Sure! I would be happy to welcome our little lost lamb into my realm. I should throw a party in celebration!" "That's okay!" I said quickly, causing Kyra to frown. "I mean, you can, but first, I would like to see the rest of the Fairy World if that's alright. I don't remember being here." Hawthorne nodded. "That makes sense. We'll start with my realm." "Your realm!?" Kyra cried. "Is there something wrong with that?" Hawthorne asked, frowning. "Of course not," Kyra said, trying to compose herself. "Just make sure you bring her back soon." "I will. Thank you" Hawthorne said bowing. 

Learning my lesson, I curtsied instead. Kyra nodded then smiled at me. "I look forward to spending more time together." I tensed at her words. Something seemed...menacing about them. "Have a good day. Let's go Hawthorne" I said, quickly leaving. "Alexa stop" he commanded when we were outside. "What?" I snapped. "That was rude." "Sorry" I said, relaxing against Buck who held my weight with no complaint. "I just got bad energy from her." Hawthorne chuckled. "I know Kyra can be a lot and intimidating sometimes, but she's far from menacing." "If you say so" I said, still unconvinced. "Forget her. Let's go to my realm" Hawthorne said, helping me up before getting on Buck. "Home Buck!" He called and Buck happily leapt forward. He was finally going home.

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