Chapter 10

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When we reached the Great Tree, Hawthorne helped me off Buck and gently led me over. I was feeling better but still a bit lightheaded and appreciated the help. "So you have come back" the Ruler said. "We want answers" Hawthorne said tightly. "Me especially." 

"Why do I look like Laverna?" I asked nicely, trying to break some of the tension. "Because you are her." "What!?" Hawthorne and I both cried. "You have always been her." "But how?" I asked. "You had your memories sealed away and going to the Spring Realm awakened them." "I knew I should go there" I whispered. 

"Why?" Hawthorne asked. "Who would do this?" "That I do not know." "You mean this whole time my finance was in the human world disguised by someone else?" "Yes." "How is that possible?" Hawthorne wondered. "No fairy is strong enough." "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well, like I mentioned before. All fairies have some power in accordance with the realm they are in. No fairy is strong enough to do what happened to you unless..." "Yes" the Ruler said, answering Hawthorne's unspoken words. "They used blood magic." "And that's against the law," Hawthorne said, his eyes growing dark. "Punishable by death." Hawthorne I said, scared by his expression. "I think I know just who would do something like that,'' Hawthorne continued. "And I can't wait to expose her..."

"Hawthorne please" I pleaded as he stormed over to Buck. "Don't do anything rash." "Oh I won't. The punishment will be slow and torturous." "Hawthorne." He sighed. "Fine. I won't torture her." "Or?" Hawthorne sighed again. "Or kill her. "You really would?" "Of course. She hurt my fiancé." "She didn't hurt me Hawthorne." He glared at me. "Physically anyways." "Mentally is just as bad." "Hawthorne I...I don't know about this whole fiancé thing. I know you just asked me and we already were once, but I don't remember it and-" "Laverna, er, Alexandria, I made the offer for you to be my queen before I found out who you were." "I know feels like there's a lot of pressure for me to be someone else." Hawthorne nodded. "I understand that and if you would like to still go by Alexandria, that's okay."

 I took a deep breath. "Okay. Thank you. I just need to think about some things first." "That's fine. While you do, I deal with the whole reason you have to think. Do you want to come with me?" "Of course" I said as Hawthorne helped me up behind him. "Someone has to stop you from yourself." "If you insist. Just remember one thing though, Alexa." "What?" Hawthorne's eyes immediately grew dark. "No one hurts someone I love and gets away with it unscathed." I gulped and hoped that Kyra was ready to face the storm she had just released.

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