Chapter 3 - Dinner at the Diner

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Nick's POV

"How was your orientation group Nick?" Imogen asks.

I put my phone face down on the table that is covered in piles of papers. All of these leftover papers. I did say not to print so many. I shuffle through the papers and my clipboard, noting the students that didn't show up. I feel someone looking at me so I look up in front of me. Imogen is squatting right in front of the table at my eye level. She has a genuine smile spread ear to ear. "What?" I ask, chucking a little.

"Did you not hear me Nicholas?" She jokes, roughing my hair up a bit. I run my fingers through my hair to flatten it back out. "No I did not hear you Imogen. What did you ask me?" She stands back up and sits down on the corner of the table. "I just asked how your day was! Did you like your group?" I smile and nod my head. I take my clipboard and toss it in my backpack before answering.

"Yeah, it was fun. I enjoyed it even more than when I was in the group last year. My group was really quiet and no one wanted to interact-" Before I finish, Tara interjects. "Well we had these HORRIBLE ice breaker games. They were not fun at all. I hated it so much. I spent the whole summer working on my games so it would be more interacting!" She grabs my shoulder and and gives it a small rub. "At least I found a friend that day." She adds, causing me to give a small grin.

"Well I had a crap day." Ben comes into from the hallway into our conference room. "Why, what happened?" Imogen quick says, jumping off the table. She skips her way over to Ben and holds his hand. She bats her eyes and I can't help but look back at the table. She could make it a little less obvious. I tune them out and grab my phone again.

Insta: Leed's Rugby Squad
Harry: Party at the Rugby House tonight to celebrate the new semester! Pass along.

I can't help but roll my eyes to myself. All my Rugby mates just want to party this year. It's really only because Harry's parents bought him a house so he and some of the rugby guys can have large "friend gatherings." That's at least what he said his parents called it. I am sure they know the real story but don't care. Some of the guys like Otis, Sai, Christian and myself decided we did not want to join in the whole "house thing" and got an apartment a little off campus. Not that we don't like to party, but we don't like to party all day, everyday.

"You going to the party?" Elle asks from behind my shoulders. "I guess so. It's my team." I say, shrugging. She smiles at me and says "I will let Darcy know. Maybe when the party starts to stink, we can go to the diner?" I nod my head and send a quick response to the Rugby Squad.

"Let's cross these "t's" and "dot our "i's" so we can get out of here as soon as possible. We got big plans tonight!" Sahar says, flying into the run laughing.


As I approach the House, I can't help but hear the blaring music. Even with the windows up in my car. Before I even put the car in park, Darcy starts to open the door eagerly. She has not stopped talking about this since Elle messaged her. "Darcy!" Tara scolds and grabs the inside handle to shut it closed. I quickly put the car in park. "Whenever anyone wants to leave, please let me know. Okay?" I say as we climb out of the car. Elle, Sahar, Darcy and Tara nod enthusiastically, even letting out little squeals. Imogen rode with Ben, of course.

They start running to the blaring music while I follow slower. I hear the door open and immediately am met by Harry. "Oi! Mate!" He shouts above the music and hands me a half full plastic cup. I smell what's inside the cup and am immediately struck with the strong sensation of liquor. "Rugby season starts in a few days! Take a load off!" He adds before wrapping his arm around my shoulders and pulling me inside the front door. I am immediately surrounded by the other rugby lads and they all start talking over one another. I try to engage in as many parts of the conversations as I can follow without going dizzy.

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