Chapter 9 - Meeting the Parents

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Charlie's POV

I wake up before my 7:00 alarm. I grunt as I turn over to check my phone.

I see all the notifications I missed from the night before. My family. The Dweebs Group. Tori specifically. Ben and... Nick

Instagram: nick_nzzzz
Hey you haven't been answering anyone's messages. You okay?

Charlie, did you fall asleep?

It's been like a few hours. It's only 19:45. Maybe you did sleep but still... can you please message me when you get up?

Charlie, this really isn't funny. It's 3:03. I am sorry I have been so distant. Is it me? Is that why you're not answering me...

The messages keep going until about 20 minutes ago. He has been messaging me all night. From like 17:00 until this morning at 6:45. I quickly message back.

Charlie: Hey Nick. I am really sorry. I just wasn't feeling that good and I went to sleep right when I got back from lunch
-About a minute passes-
Nick: Charlie, I was really nervous. No one heard from you. I messages Tao and he said you were in your room when he got back from his night classes. So I messaged Isaac later that night and he said you were still in your room when he and Tao got back from dinner with his parents
Charlie: I am really sorry for stressing you out. I am fine now. I really did not mean to make you nervous
Nick: I am a lot better now that I am hearing from you. I missed talking to you.
I look over that message about 10 times before messaging back.
Charlie: I missed talking to you too Nick. You are probably my closest friend and I am sorry for not telling you about Ben.
There is a long pause before he responds.
Nick: You have no reason to be sorry. I am the shitty friend here. Do not apologize, Char. We can just move on from it and we can have a good Parents Weekend.

I roll my eyes at the sight of "parents weekend" before messaging him back. My 7:00am pings on my phone and I quickly turn it off before climbing out of bed to get ready for the day.

I lay my clothes out for the day on my bed before going to my bathroom. I try to be quick and not look in the mirror above the sink, I see my reflection for a second and I am filled with self-hatred. I push the thoughts to the furthest part of my mind before wrapping the towel around my waist and walking into my bedroom to change. I change pretty quickly and do my hair before going to the common room. I check the time before going into the kitchen, 7:45. I make myself a cup of tea and sit down at the kitchen table.

I look at my notifications and I am immediately taken back by one of my Instagram DM's.

Instagram: ben_h_999
Ben: If you didn't want to talk to me, you could have just said so Charlie. Not just ghost me like you are doing.

My hand immediately goes to the crook of my elbow and my fingers scratch at the thick cardigan fabric. How do I even respond to that...

"Charlie, how are you feeling?"

I am broken out of my slight panicking to see Tao come into the kitchen, his hair all ruffled around with bed-head.

"Do you want a cup?" I ask instead of answering the question. He nods his head and with a loud moan, he plops into one of the wooden chairs. I lock my phone, flipping it upside down, before going back to the kettle. I make the tea in silence before handing it to Tao and taking my seat again. I wrap both hands around the cup, enjoy the warmth. "You missed a really good Italian restaurant with our families. It was so good I made a reservation for the three of us to go the weekend before Halloween. I think you'd really like their marinara sauce." He says enthusiastically. I give a small smile and sip my tea. "That sounds nice. I feel fine now. I was just really tired." I try to sound a little more upbeat than how I feel.

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