Chapter 8 - Those Bad Thoughts

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TW: SelfH@rm

Charlie's POV

It's been almost two weeks since that night out with the Gang and things are going fairly well.

Well more than well, I guess.

I almost have a BOYFRIEND!

Ben and I have been talking nonstop since that night at the Volt. He is really nice and caring. He asks me about my day, sometimes walks me from our creative writing form to my study abroad elective. The past two form days, he's even held my hand until I got to the door of the classroom. He makes me laugh and is taller than me. I have always wanted to date someone taller than me.

I haven't really talked to anyone about him though... Not because I don't want it. This past Wednesday, Elle asked me about Ben. She saw us holding hands outside the door. When I started to talk about him, I felt Nick's demeanor change. I felt bad so I just said the generic, basic things someone crushing on someone would say and then I dropped it.

Nick and I haven't really been talking as much. He's been a little distant since that night. I do not owe it to him to tell him that information. I would say he is my best friend but at the same time he's not gay. I do not want to brother him with all the crush-y details of Ben and I. Like, also I do not really know exactly how I feel about Ben. It's been only two weeks.

"Charlie." I hear and I am broken out of my thoughts. I look up and it's Nick, looking at me with a hint of concern in his eyes.

"Hmm?" I ask. "You just spaced out there. Darcy asked if your family is coming for Family Weekend." I look at him before looking at Darcy. "Sorry. I just have some things on my mind. They are. My Mother, Dad and my sister with even leave her apartment to come."

"I didn't know you had a sister!" Tara remarks. "Yeah, she's a year older than me. Her name is Tori. She goes here, she just likes to keep to herself a lot. She studies English or something like that." This causes me to chuckle a little. Tori has always liked to keep to herself. Growing up she used to just sit in her dark room and watch tv or read. She doesn't really share emotions that much but she was always there to listen when I would need to vent about our Mother or school or-or the bullying at Truham.

"Well we would love to meet them. My parents are coming too. Maybe we can do a giant family dinner or something!" Elle says really enthusiastically.

"Elle, keep it down." The professor says and goes back to talking and writing on the white board.

"I will message the group to tell everyone the plan." Imogen whispers before grabbing her phone from her pocket. A few seconds later, I feel my phone vibrate. Then a minute passes before I feel my phone vibrate again. I look and see its Isaac and Tao:

My parents will be getting here tonight. They are staying at a hotel. They are good for tomorrow but they wanted me to ask if you guys wanted to get dinner.

My Mum is really excited to see you guys and your parents. I guess they were already planning for us to have group dinner with the three of us but... surprise lol AND YES PLEASE TO DINNER! Your parents just know the best places to eat.

I don't respond, just shove my phone back into my pocket. I am really glad Tao, Isaac and I made more friends. I love them. I have know them for so long but it's nice to not be the "Terrific Trio" Tao liked to call us.

The form ends and we all walk to the Chat for lunch. I am to anxious to eat so I just make a cup of tea. I kind of forgot about Parents Weekend. It's just been nice getting away from home, especially my Mother.

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