California Girl

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I giggled as I sat down in my chinese class. I loved chinese. Best class out of the entire day I reckon. We were supposed to be learning about  date and time, but ever since we had gotten our original chinese teacher fired we'd had a string of subs who didn't give a damn about whether we did the work or not. Not exactly a recipe for academic success, but no one really cared.

My friend Phoebe gave me the 'look' as I sat down and I grinned. We ruled this school, me and Phoebe. We were like the Dynamic Duo. Except we were equal partners, not hero and sidekick. Phoebe waved a hand in front of my face. I blinked and she grinned at me.

"Dude, blanky" she informed me and I smiled. Blanky was me and Phoebe's thing. It was the term we used to describe the period of time when you zone out and stare at a random spot in front of you. I got them a lot.

"So, whats our plan for today Talls?" she asked me and I pondered. 

"Um terrorise the sub, pinch Stuart's leg, annoy Bryson, stare longingly at Blake, ya know the usual" I said feeling the sensation of happiness bubble up inside me. I got the sensation a lot. Mostly when we talked about Blake. I smiled. Ahhh Blake... every year eight girl's fantasy boy. Blonde, surfer, amazing hazel eyes that stared straight into your soul. We were all in love with him. No matter how hard we tried not to be.

At that very moment Blake sauntered in, with his little 'crew' behind him, Charlie, Bryson, Arden and Will. He winked at me and Phoebe and took his place on my right, with the rest of the boys sitting down in places around us. Me and Phoebe were suddenly the target of a dozen jealous glares from around the room, but it didn't bother us. We're untouchable, us two.

"So Tally," said Blake cockily, "Considered my offer yet?" My face warmed and I looked down at the post it I was doodling on. I felt Phoebe's elbow dig a little into my ribs and I elbowed her back harder. She groaned and I started softly giggling. 

Don't get me wrong here, I wasn't embarassed or anything because I had never been asked out before. I had been tons of times, a girl like me doesn't exactly go unnoticed.I had long legs and a nice little figure that I kept in shape with swimming and running, I had ice blue eyes and long black hair that ringleted a bit at the end. In short, I was every guy's dream girl, as was Phoebe with her straight chocolate-y brown hair and grey eyes that were always ringed with eyeliner. Me and Phoebe were definetely hot property, and we knew it.

But the fact that Blake, who despite his gorgeous looks and cocky but cute attitude, had never had a girlfriend before and was now choosing me, was making me feel a little... dizzy. I couldn't really think straight and every time I looked at him I felt my heart pounding in my chest.

I put on my 'hottie' face and replied cooly, "How bout I get back to you tomorrow on that one?" I swear I saw him gulp and I grinned internally. That meant that he liked me as much as I like him, which meant that I could keep him on the hook for a while. Brilliant.

I glanced at the clock hanging slightly askew on the wall and noticed that we had already gone fifteen minutes into the lesson and still no sub. YES!

Phoebe and I talked for a bit, discussing what we wanted to do for Friday Activity when I had a brainstorm. I stood up suddenly and walked over to one of the computers. Everyone looked at me strangely but I ignored them. I logged into YouTube and selected my BORED IN CLASS PLAYLIST and music began pumping out of the schools stereo system. In an instant Phoebe got what I was doing and got up and shouted "DANCE PARTAY BITCHES!"

Everyone got up on tables and stuff and were dancing and giggling and generally being maniacs. Me and Phoebe grinned and slapped High Fives. Yeah, we still do that okie? It's not cause we're losers it's cause we can do ANYTHING and people will think it's cool. Yeah. That is how powerful we are. 

I was thoroughly disappointed when the bell rang thirty minutes late, signaling the end of the class and school day. I gathered up my chinese books and headed towards the door with Phoebe by my side and burst out into the fresh Hong Kong sunlight feeling a slight breeze ruffle my ponytail. Phoebe and I linked arms and made our way to our lockers, which were conveniently right next to each other. A few girls came up and chatted to us, while we popped our homework into our bags and reshuffled everything in our lockers to make sure that they were perfect. Then we said bye to the girls and walked over to Charlie, Blake and Arden who had their backs to us.

"OI!" Phoebe and I yelled at the same time slamming our hands down on their bags, which promptly made them turn around and glare, until they realised it was us. Then they grinned.

"You guys on the train today?" I asked them and they all nodded their heads yes.

"Sick" said Phoebe. Together we walked down the steps of the school and out towards the MTR station.

All I could feel was the little bubble of happiness inside me. Little did I know, in just a few hours, it would be popped. 

heyy so this is my first chapter. I know that it ain't that great, but i reallyyy liked the ideas that i had for this story so stay tuned and check it out ya know?? BTW the pic on the side is phoebe, the picture in the next chapter is Tally (: thanks for reading!!! xx

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