\\Chapter 6: Stars//

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As night came by, everyone sooner or later began to tire. Of course, (Y/N) being (Y/N), she couldn't quite feel that sense of exhaustion when fear and stress were all that occupied her mind. With Pyke on the same ship as her, she doubted she was as safe as Sarah claimed she was.
Looking out her window she saw them, stars, so many of them, all looking down at her. Did they pity her? Did they see what she was going through? Do they laugh at her? She didn't know.

Deciding she had enough of stupid mopping and feeling sorry for herself alone in her room, she decided that if she was unable to sleep, she would at least go to watch the stars more effectively on deck. Who knows? Maybe she would feel more calm there?

Putting on her normal clothes, she headed out her door, being careful not to make noise that would disturb or alert anyone. She walked down the halls of the ship as she tried to navigate herself back onto the main deck.
After she finally found it, she finally felt the cold breeze hit her face, a lot more comforting than one would expect. That's when she saw them. The stars...
They were beautiful, incredibly bright, and almost hypnotic. As she gazed upon them she felt her heart quicken, for the first time not in fear, but in awe.

She made a couple of steps on the deck, and now finally completely outside and out in the open. For a second she didn't even feel her surroundings, but that was before her eyes finally saw the entirety of the ship's main deck. It was completely empty... except for one person.

Her heartbeat quickened, not so sure if it was fear or awe again as she gazed at him. Under the moonlight, he almost seemed...at ease. Just like he did before...
Like that night a few years ago, she still remembered it, back when she wanted to see the stars at night but could not do it alone so he came outside with her and held her hand so she wouldn't be afraid of falling off. His face was so relaxed back then, it was shameful to say it wasn't the stars she watched the whole night.

A few tears welled up in her eyes but she did not let them fall, all that she did was stand as part of her felt either too scared to move or too struck to do anything.

A sudden shift in the figure made her freeze and her heart raced as those eyes turned to her.

"You came to stare or something?"

His voice was calmer than she had imagined it would be, his gaze now just looked distant.

The woman jolted back to reality as she felt she was quiet for a little too long.

"N-No! That...that wasn't..."

She trailed off, feeling as though she had lost the ability to speak. She couldn't deny that it definitely looked the case.

"I just...I couldn't sleep."

He just stared at her. His expression was unreadable, especially with that bandana covering half of his face. Pyke then turned away from her, not saying a word.

(Y/N) felt her heart ache at his dismissal but at the same time was glad she wasn't dead where she was standing.
The woman opened her mouth to speak, it felt almost suffocating to do so. What was she doing? What was she going to say? Why did she want to speak to him so much?


The woman began, her voice cut as he looked back at her. He did not say anything, he just looked at her coldly.
(Y/N) felt almost impossible to push out the words she longed to say, feeling as though her throat was burning.

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