Part 21

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   It was already 5 a.m , I got up and did my routine before checking my phone . I knew that I needed to get brunch with my brother before we took his jet back to UK.(btw we both live in UK atm, but I would really love to escape that weather).

  After I was done I checked my phone and saw a new message from George from like two minutes ago.

  Fuck , I forgot he's starting his day at the same time as me.

   I got dressed and left my room hoping I wouldn't have to meet him at the elevator or something.

  He was in front of me , waiting to start his day with some workout , same as me. I didn't know what to say to him so:

  Y/n:" Good morning." I said as positioned myself on his right side with my face looking straight ahead.

George:"Morning." he said surprised looking at me and back at the elevator , like he didn't cared about me.

  On the way down we didn't talk or anything, just some glances here and there but nothing else.It was a tension that I could break with my bare hands.

  We got to the beach and begin our morning run , turns out our lifestyles aren't very different:a good night sleep , workout , healthy food , wourkout , sleep. It's wonderful and at the same time fucking exhausting, I don't know for him but for me it is because my manager makes it hard and my line of work aswell.

It was a nice run , the sun was starting to rise , the ocean was quite , way too quite , like it was on purpose telling me to make some noise , talk to George , break the silence. But i couldn't...

George:"Why.." he said on the verge of crying stopping mid run.

I stopped 10 feet in front of him because I didn't heard or saw that he stopped (I was way too deep in my head).

Y/n:"Why what?" I said , not trying to be confident or mask any of my emotions, I was in my purest form.

George:"Why didn't you told me you got back to that bastard?" a single tear rolling down his cheek , he wiped it way too fast hoping it would be the last one.

Y/n:"I-I ... why did you needed to know ? To make fun of me for going to visit him , or what?" I said angrier that I intended to be.

George:"What? What's wrong with you ? I just wanted to make sure you're okay y/n , why do you need to be so defensive for Gods sake, I fucking beat that guy for you." now he was the angry one making me feel so little as he approached me , making me take a step back.

He stopped , locking his eyes with mine realizing what he just did. He knew that I didn't responded to well at those little steps he took while he talked to me.

George:"Y/n , just talk to me , please , I'm begging you , I'm not Karl , I'm not some random boy , I'm one of the good ones , please ." he said staying in the same place but really hoping he could hug me .

Y/n:"You know , he said those same words at least twice a day and look where that got me." I said , a sad smile now on my face.

George:"Y/n...what can I do to help you , to be my ....friend ? Tell me ."

That word , friend , why did it hurt?

Y/n:" Just ... leave me alone , I'm not okay and I don't want to break you. You seem like a good guy but I can't get myself to trust anyone right now... please just , leave me."

George:"No y/n , just please let's try atleast , I like you and I think you can get better I believe in you."
He said as the space between us was getting shorter and shorter.

I was in his arms , I didn't tried to escape , I wasn't scared , I was free .

I started to cry on his chest as I wraped my hands around him trying to hold himself as much as I could so he wouldn't get away , leave me.

I want him , I really do , but something is holding me back.

Y/n:" I don't want to break you..." I said looking up at him still in his arms.

George:" You're not going to , I mean , after all I'm George fucking Russell right?" he said trying to lighten up the mood and I started to smile , the first real smile in a while.

Y/n:"And I'm Y/n fucking Hamilton."


3 CHAPTERS IN 2 DAYS , Consider yourself lucky🤭

Thoughts on Y/n ' s mental health, they kind of resemble my own so I really enjoy writing this story cause I try to include like a lot of my thoughts and some solutions for them:)

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