Part 17

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I continued my walk. I was heading to the Vip section , some room just on top of the pit of Mercedes. I had my phone on Dnd, not wanting to talk to anyone , my data was turned off , airplane mode and all that. Incognito.

There was no one in the room , everyone was on the balcony or I don't know somwhere around here but mainly I was alone. I hope Lewis know I support him even if I'm not down there with him.

I got myself comfortable on a couch and looked at the big tv on the wall showing some drivers in getting ready to start the race , talking to their managers or with their teammates.

Daniel scolding little Lando with a finger pointing in the air and furrowed eyebrows while Norris was looking for a way out.

Charles and Carlos drinking some water and not talking just throwing glances at each other, I think they had a fight or something, or Charles was being dramatic about something and Carlos was simply not listening to him. They're just like a married old couple.

And then I saw my brother , texting someone, calling them , anxiously shaking his head, leg , everything. George on the other hand was sitting om a chair starring at nothing in particular, Toto was talking to him but I don't think he was successful in reaching him.

I pulled out my phone immediately and texted Lewis:

Y/n:"I'm here for you and I know you'll be the best today. I love you , good luck<3"

Before I turned it off I saw like 50 missed calls from both Lewis and George. I can't face anything today, I'm hopeless.

Right when the race started I hard a bark right next to me .


I love this dog. I fought with Lewis so much when we parted ways and decided who gets the dog.

15 laps in and both Hass drivers were out. I feel so sorry for them.

42th lap, thing were going great , fantastic actually, Max had a pit problem and stayed in the pit for 49 seconds and getting back in the 15th place. I know he's good and all but probably not "gain 15 positions in 11 laps" good. (my delulu self knowing that he's doing it in like 2 or 3 laps, anyway this is a fan-fic so let a girl dream<3)

Last 5 laps.


They got this , no no , Lewis and his teammate got this, I don't want to think of George in any other way.

Ther was an incident on the track. Some overlapped Williams pulled a red flag , I don't think Alonso got informed or just didn't cared because he didn't do anything about it , just continued his lap like nothing happened like 500 meters in front of him . He got in the Williams debris and lost control of the car and not hitting the next curbe as it should.

Alonso out.


I effing love this sport.

I got myself up, picking up Roscoe of of me aswell , set him down and I was gone. I got out off the paddock and track site through the front door where no one was at the moment.

I got into the first cab I saw and I left.


Fear runs through my body as I approached the grey building.

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