Part 13

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 I got back to my room to do my skin care and change itno something more comfortable and then head out to George's room.

   He was waiting for me on an armchair close to the kitchen area, with the remote in one hand and his phone in the other one.

"Do you want to watch something so you can sleep or listen to some music, that's what I'm doing when I can't sleep maybe it works for you too?" he said pointing to the tv that was on youtube.

  I didn't respond. I wasn't really sure why I was asking him to help me but I did , and I can't go back now. 

 "Usually I call my brother and make him tell me about his day or his week until we both fall asleep." I said as I walked to the bed, getting myself comfortable on the side with the window so I can see the ocean.

 "I can tell you about my day if you want."he said , still on that damn armchair.

"Yeah , but why are you standing there, it's your room , you can sleep on the bed you know." I said trying not to laugh as I saw his cheeks heating up.

 "I can't do that , your brother is going to kill me you know, your off limits for all of the grid."

 "Well Lewis seems to like you and is trying to set us up. I wonder how you didn't realised that." now I was the one blushing .

 "I saw what Lewis is trying to do but I can't , your his little sister, it's unetichal." now I was full on laughing.

"Relax George, it's not like were going to hook up or something. You're just a friend helping another with her rough day." 

  I could've sworn he would start to cry there. He looked like a lost puppy. I didn't want to be mean or anything.

"Yeah you're right." he said as he occupied the empty side of the bed .

  We stayed there in silence for a moment, both on our backs .

I really wanted to look at him , so I turned myself so I was staying  on my side. He noticed what I did and copied me , ending up so close to my I could feel his breath on my face, his chest raising with every breath he took.

 He looked ethereal,his eyes , his eyelashes, him.

 George's pov:

 I don't want to look at her because I know I'm not going to be able to look away.\

 But I did.

 I looked , and oh how grateful I am I did. She looks so lovely, I think I have butterflies in my stomach and they're going to eat me away if I don't stop starring at her.

  She didn't looked away either. I don't understand her , really , one minute she said I was a friend , and now she's wanting to have me in the same bed as her. I'm not complaining tho.

 "So do you still want me to talk to you about my day?" I asked trying to remember as best as I can the day I just had.

"Not really..." she said , sounding a bit shy as she was burying her face in her pillow.

" Can you hug me...please?" she asked on the verge of crying.

 I nodded and she put her head in the crack of my neck . I could feel the tears falling off of her face and landing on my neck.

 "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked as I put my cheek on her head pulling her closer to me , on hand stroking the lower part of her back and the other coming from under her and resting on her shoulder.

 I think she whispered no and no it was. I wasn't going to ask her again. She'll tell me when she's ready. 

 Not even 2 minutes later and she was sleeping. I got myself back a bit to see her face better. 

 She is so stunning.

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