Samuel Golbach.

136 2 5

This is where Sam comes in, hence the name. Enjoy!
No warnings

It was now 5pm, the place was packed dull of all kinds of different people, Ace had just joined Audrey at 3pm, it was her time to check in for the day.

Audrey was grateful to have Ace on her side tonight because she knew it would be packed, and would only become worse after time.
"Can I get a bud lite on tap please? Along with a side of nachos and fries?" A very polite man asked Audrey.

"Of course, anything else?" He shook his head and she left the table, going to another that looked to be ready to order. The order was simple, 2 beers on tap and some wings.

She headed to the bar to put the food orders up for the chefs to make, while getting the beers ready. The glasses were almost overflowing on the tray that held them, but luckily made it to the first table.
"Here is the bud for you, kind sir." He nodded his head a took the drink as well as a sip. Nodding in agreement, Audrey went on her dandy way to the next table to give them their drinks.
"Here you are." She handed the drinks to them and they gladly snatched then from her hands.

Tray in the crook of her arm, she left the table to go behind the bar and break. She sunk down behind the bar, already exhausted from the work that was just beginning. Looking up, she saw Colby handing a drink over to someone.
"Yea, I like it here Sam, its nice. The people are amazing."

She was eavesdropping again, but her ears perked up.
"But Colbs, what about our channel? We can't just, quit." Sam said, sadness in his voice. Channel? What channel? There was so much Audrey had to learn about Colby, and who is this Sam guy? Audrey slammed her head into her arms, already getting a headache. Colby looked down and saw her.

Gesturing to Sam that he would be back, he crouched down to her.
"Audrey? What is going on with you pal?" Audrey shot her head up, hitting it on the back of the bar on the way. "Ouch! Shit, that made my headache better for sure." Colby giggled, holding his hand out, silently asking Audrey to take it. She complied, taking his hand and standing up. She looked over the bar, trying to find who Colby was talking to, to see a blonde.

A beautiful blonde, even in the dim lights of the bar, she could see his eyes. Bright baby blue eyes. He was sipping a drink, Whisky and Cola, a very recognizable drink. She was lost in his eyes, they were locked on hers. She couldn't look away. But they soon drifted downwards to his jawline and then his lips. A small smirk escaped the lips she was staring so intently at.

"So, are you guys a thing or something? You never told me about her Colbs." Sam spoke, sounding lustful and a bit sarcastic. Audrey blushed, taking her hand off of Colby's and hiding her face.

"What! No man nothing like that! What are you talking about, she just needs pain meds." Colby replied, in return, Sam gave another sexy smirk that Audrey would die to see again. Colby took her hand, yanking her to the back to get her meds.

"Here, please take these. Im going to talk to Levi about possibly giving you the night. Does that sound good to you?" Colby asked softly. Audrey nodded her head. It was 10pm and no more food orders could be placed. The Chefs left 30 minutes ago. And Audrey thought that Ace could get it because Audrey had alone so many times.

"Im also sorry about Sam. He is my best friend you know. We grew up together. I didn't have a dad and he didn't have a mom. And our parents ended up getting together, which was pure luck. Me and him have never been apart, from start to end we will be by each other. He really is a nice guy. You should get to know him." Colby suggested. And Audrey would love to. So, she agreed and they made their way out.

"Wait, Colby!" Audrey grabbed his hand. "Did Sam just come out of a breakup? Im really sorry, when I was under the bar I heard you talking to him." Colby giggled and responded with
"Yea, happened 2 weeks ago. They were together for 2 years." Audrey shook her head, thinking that it was a shame for her to let someone as cute as him go for someone else.

"Thats a shame, thank you for telling me. Talk in a bit, okay?" Audrey said, walking towards Sam, waving bye from behind her. Colby went off to find Levi to tell him Ace was going to cover for Audrey.

Audrey looked for Sam at the bar, spotting him where he originally was. She waved, taking him off guard, he waved back. Walking to the other side pf the bar, Audrey pulled a set out beside him, ordering a drink from Levi from the end of the bar. It came sliding over. Cider and Champagne was her go to.

"Hey Princess. Whats brought you back over here. Done with your boyfriend already?" Sam chuckled, taking another sip from his Whisky and Coke. Audrey did the same, loving the feeling she was already getting from the alcoholic beverage.
"We aren't anything, idiot. We just met like, 12 hours ago. Cool it." Audrey stated, slight annoyance in her voice.

"Calm down princess, no need to get your panties in a bunch. What brings you over here?" Sam asked, turning to look at Audrey in the eyes. He noticed how her green eyes matched with her hair so nicely.
"Can I not want to talk to someone? You were talking to Colby, so you must he kinda interesting." Sam rolled his eyes

"Ha. Ha. Very funny princess." Annoyance oozing from Sam's voice, he looked over at Audrey once again. Noticing how she was sipping her drink quite quickly.
"Stop calling me princess, the names Audrey. Get it right, blondy." Audrey laughed. Shooting a glare at Sam, seeing he was just smirking at her.

Thats alllll. I would like to point out, I do not know how long Sam and Kats relationship lasted and I didn't want to google it. Also, I do not know about Sam's family life, and thats his business so I didn't go digging for it either :)

Words in general~ 1105

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