Chapter 8

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Two months had passed since Satsuki's encounter with Naruto's clone. She had been sent on a mission by Orochimaru to locate Naruto. Rumors had reached the Snake Sannin about Naruto's proficiency in fuinjutsu, a skill that Orochimaru was obsessed with acquiring. However, Satsuki found herself torn about the mission.

As she embarked on her journey to hunt Naruto down, a part of her couldn't help but remember that interaction from two months ago. She often found herself absentmindedly rubbing her behind, recalling the unexpected and embarrassing slap Naruto's clone had delivered. The memory of her blushing and grumbling the word "perverted dobe" lingered in her mind, creating a mixture of irritation and curiosity about the elusive blonde ninja.

Somewhere near the border of Kusagakure and Iwagakure, Satsuki trudged through the dense underbrush, her frustration mounting with each step. She had been tirelessly investigating Naruto's whereabouts, but it felt like chasing a ghost. The blonde ninja seemed to appear and disappear at will, leaving no trace behind.

As she continued her search, Satsuki couldn't shake the lingering memories of their encounter. The thought of Naruto's secret knowledge, potentially related to her clan's massacre, gnawed at her. She knew she needed answers, but Naruto remained elusive, guarding his secrets closely.

Adding to her frustration was the memory of that infuriating and embarrassing moment when Naruto's clone had dared to slap her behind. The mere thought of it made her cheeks flush with anger and embarrassment. How dare he treat her like that?

Despite her irritation, there was a part of Satsuki that couldn't deny the unsettling thrill she felt at the memory. She quickly brushed it aside, refusing to acknowledge any semblance of enjoyment from such an inappropriate act.

As she pressed on with her mission, determination fueled her steps, driving her to uncover the truth about Naruto and his mysterious secrets, no matter the cost.

As Satsuki approached the distant figure on the ground, her heart pounded in her chest, anticipation mingling with dread. As she drew closer, her worst fears were confirmed: it was an Iwa ANBU, lifeless and abandoned. A sense of foreboding settled over her as she surveyed the scene, her eyes widening in shock and horror.

Satsuki: "Oh no... What happened here?"

The ground was littered with the broken bodies of countless Iwa ANBU, their once formidable forms now reduced to grotesque displays of brutality. Some lay disemboweled, others mutilated beyond recognition, their heads mounted on crude stakes like morbid trophies. One unfortunate soul dangled from a tree branch, suspended by his own entrails, while another's jaw hung grotesquely open, frozen in a silent scream.

Satsuki: "This... this is..."

The sheer brutality of the scene overwhelmed Satsuki, her stomach churning with revulsion. She stumbled backward, clutching a nearby tree for support as nausea consumed her. The atrocities before her were unlike anything she had ever witnessed, even in her darkest nightmares.

Amidst the carnage, a glint of metal caught her eye. With trembling hands, she reached out and grasped a tri-pronged kunai embedded in a nearby tree. Its surface bore the telltale markings of fuinjutsu, a signature characteristic of the Fourth Hokage's craftsmanship.

Satsuki's blood ran cold as realization dawned upon her. The kunai, the massacre... it could only mean one thing: Naruto. The connection between the Fourth Hokage's legacy and the gruesome scene before her sent shivers down her spine.

Satsuki: "Naruto... what have you done?"

Fear and uncertainty gripped Satsuki's heart as she grappled with the implications of Naruto's involvement. Was he capable of such unspeakable violence? And if so, what did that mean for her and the rest of the world? As her mind raced with questions, one thing became painfully clear: the truth behind Naruto's past was far more sinister than she had ever imagined.

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