Chapter 2

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As Team 7 returned to the familiar streets of Konoha, the weight of the recent revelations hung heavily in the air. The events at the hidden base had shaken their understanding of their comrades and their mission. Naruto, Sakura, and Yamato bore the burden of knowledge that had forever changed their perception of Sasuke Uchiha.

The village bustled with activity, unaware of the turmoil that had taken place beyond its walls. Naruto walked alongside his teammates, a sense of trepidation gnawing at his gut. He knew that the moment had come to share the truth, even if it meant exposing his own carefully guarded secret.

Sakura's gaze was distant, her thoughts clearly consumed by the enigma of Sasuke's true identity. Yamato's usual calm demeanor seemed momentarily fractured, his eyes betraying the depth of his thoughts. Naruto sensed the tension in the air, a storm gathering on the horizon.

At the Hokage's office, they found themselves standing before Tsunade, the woman who had guided them through countless trials. Naruto took a deep breath, his resolve firm. With a nod, he signaled to his teammates that it was time.

"Sasuke... Sasuke is actually a woman," Sakura's voice burst out, a mixture of shock and confusion tainting her words. Tsunade's brows furrowed, a blend of surprise and skepticism crossing her features.

Tsunade: "What do you mean, Sakura?"

Naruto stepped forward, his stance unwavering and his gaze resolute.

Naruto: "The truth is, Sasuke Uchiha is female. Her real name is Satsuki Uchiha."

Yamato's voice carried the weight of confirmation, reinforcing Naruto's statement.

Yamato: "It's true. We confirmed it at the base."

Tsunade's gaze shifted between the three of them, the cogs of her mind turning as she grappled with the enormity of the revelation.

Tsunade: "This changes things. But why keep it a secret?"

A collective stare turned toward Naruto, his expression devoid of remorse, holding a firm resolve to protect the promise he had made.

Naruto: (serious) "Because I made a promise to her mother... Hokage-sama."

Tsunade's shock was palpable, her surprise heightened by Naruto's choice to address her with formality. Beneath her exterior, Tsunade's worry grew.

Tsunade: "Why didn't you say anything before, Naruto?"

Naruto's gaze didn't waver, his face etched with the weight of his decision to reveal the truth.

Naruto: "Because it was a promise I made to Mikoto-obachan after the massacre. And because I didn't want to."

The atmosphere in the room was charged with unspoken tensions, the weight of the revelations hanging like a heavy cloud. The silence that followed seemed to magnify the intricate connections that bound them, each heartbeat resonating with the gravity of the moment. Tsunade's voice broke through the stillness, her concern tinged with a note of warning.

Tsunade: "Naruto, you know withholding this information could have serious consequences."

Naruto's response was unexpectedly stark, his voice unyielding.

Naruto: "So?"

His lack of concern was a jolt to the room's dynamic, leaving Tsunade momentarily taken aback.

Tsunade: "What the hell is wrong with you, brat?"

Naruto's tone remained oddly calm, a sharp contrast to the tension in the room.

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