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I sat in the back of the library as I waited for Nicki to arrive. I'm always the first one here but I didn't mind because it gave me time to myself. I just started working on some of my own homework assignments. I'm a big procrastinator most of the time but I figured I might as well use the time I had wisely as I waited. I was in the middle of reading a paragraph in my history book when I felt my phone vibrate from my pocket. I read a text letting me know that Nicki was sorry she was late and that she was on her way up the stairs.

Within a few seconds I heard the door to the library open and Nicki made her way over to my table. She sat her purse and backpack down in one of the empty chairs and took the empty seat right beside me.

"Hey, I'm so sorry I'm late." Nicki said out of breath.

"You didn't have to run." I laugh. "I wasn't going anywhere."

"I didn't." She waved me off. "I just hate them stairs."

"I feel you on that one." I nod. "So what part of your book report are you on?"

"The title." She plainly said.

"You haven't started it yet?" I look at her. "It's due tomorrow, right?"

"Bingo." She nodded.

We both literally read the book, sure most times it was separate but I figured she'd at least start on some of the assignment.

"What have you been doing?" I sigh.

"Mmm, some of everything." Nicki says.

"Okay, we have to get you started on this like yesterday." I say.

Nicki pulled out the book along with a notebook she had where she's been jotting down a few notes and ideas here and there on her own time. I've only seen it once but I'm hoping she has more than one sentence in the damn book. I don't even like to do my own homework let alone help someone else with theirs but I guess that's just how I was made. Too damn kind. I grabbed my notebook and a pencil so that I could help her with brainstorming as she began to work on the report. I admit that I enjoy her company even if we are only discussing boring schoolwork every time I'm with her. She's naturally funny and has an incredible smile that seemed to be contagious. I knew that I needed to stay focused on just the assignment though. As she worked more on her report, I ended up finishing up my history and calculus homework.

"So what do you do for fun?" I hear Nicki ask.

"Well I don't really think it's fun to many, but I kinda write.." I say not making eye contact with her.

"Write what?" She asked. "You write books?"

"I just mess around sometimes and write songs or whatever." I shrug.

"What?" She gasped. "Lemme hear something."

"Okay, hear this." I clear my throat. "You need to get this report done or you will be taking a zero."

Nicki looked at me with a straight face before she started to laugh. I laughed shaking my head.

"You got jokes." She said.

"Sometimes." I smile.

I watched Nicki as she went back and forth between the notes in her notebook and the book itself. She was so focused which was surprising to me because lately it's been hard to keep her on the right track when we're together. We've been meeting up when we can and I've also lent a helping hand to her in her math class as well. I looked up at the time on the clock on the wall and it was just about time for us to get out of here.

"Done!" Nicki blurted.

"I'm so proud of you." I smile. "I knew you could get this done. You just need to stay focused is all. I get it sometimes I hate reading too."

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