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Trauma warning: blood, children, and lots of tears. You have been warned.

Nico's POV

I turned around and drew my sword once I heard it. A snap. Then rocks flew past us, almost quicker than I turned.


I looked to my side, Will had been hit and was now lying on the ground belly up. I looked back to the bushes as more rocks started flying.

I raised my sword to knock them away from me and Will, barely dodging a few hits.

Eventually the rocks stopped coming. 'They must have ran out.' I thought, quickly running up to it.

As I peeked around the first Bush I saw a large group of people. Surprised at how many had managed to hide there until now, I had let my guard a little too low and one of them stabbed me with a dagger.

Pain shot up my body, blood spilling from my stomach. I looked down to see a tiny hand grasping the small dagger embedded in me.

I looked at her face, pain flashing on my features, she looked up at me, her angry eyes instantly turned to shock as she pulled her hand back leaving the dagger behind.

I saw her shaking, and tried to calm her down, but she jerked away in surprise, probably because I wasn't dead yet.

Then my vision started going spotty, quickly spreading in complete blackness. I closed my eyes and fell to my knees, turning my head to smile at her before I finally collapsed on the ground, blood pooling underneath me.

The last thing I heard was a tiny ghasp and a quiet sorry through sobs. I felt tiny hands grasping my clothes before I faded into unconsciousness.

Time skip!

I woke up, my eyes still closed and with a massive headache. I opened them quickly but soon realised that was a mistake, closing them again almost immediately.

I slowly sat up, and felt something slide off me. I dared to open my eyes again, this time squinting a bit first.

As my sight returned, i noticed a blanket sitting in my lap, underneath me was a bed cushion. I tried turning when I felt a sharp pain in my belly, reaching my hand to it I felt bandages rather than my shirt.

I looked down again to see my whole middle was wrapped tightly. Looking around with my head this time, I saw a room that reminded me of the infirmary back at camp.

I was there so often I even had my own room there. Every morning Will would come in and- 'Will!' I thought jumping out of bed.

That was a mistake.

Almost falling over again I stumbled a little, but was able to keep myself up, using a desk. Sitting at it was a girl.

The same girl from earlier today, or was it yesterday? 'How long have I been out?' The girl gasped as she woke up. She had been sleeping before I woke her.

Then she seemed to realise something and ran out of the room. I sighed, sitting down in the seat. "Did I scared her?" I thought out loud. Then I remembered I had no shirt on.

Scanning the room I couldn't find one anywhere. That's when the girl came back, and Will was with her.

AN: I made an extra long chapter today, I wanted to end it at the time skip, but it only came out to 200 something words, so count yourselves lucky. This chapter is almost twice as long as it should be. Thank you for reading!

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