Goodbyes part 1

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Will's POV

The sun had just started to peek over the edge of my window, when I woke up.

I was always an early bird, but not by choice. Sometimes I wished I could just go back to sleep, but being a son of Apollo, that meant I automatically woke up the second the sun touched my face.

Tonight especially, I wanted to sleep in. I was having the best dream. I tried my hardest to remember every detail. In it  me and Nico had come across a strange tree while on their quest, right before i woke up.

'The quest!' I thought. 'Oh shoot!, how long have I been sitting here?'

I grabbed my wrist watch from the ground where it fell and put it on, checking the time.

"8 ALREADY!!??" I yelled. Nobody heard, and I rushed to get dressed. "I'm going to miss breakfast!"

I ran out the door to the Apollo cabin, and rushed across the camp to get my breakfast before me and Nico were going.

'Nico!' I thought as he looked around. 'Where is he?'

"Hey, have you seen Nico?" I asked a table nearby. They just shook their heads.

I ran across camp once more and rushed into the Hades cabin, not bothering to knock.

"Nico! Get your lazy butt out of bed and get some breakfast!" I yelled as I grabbed one of Nico's feet and yanked him out of bed.


"Ow!" Nico yelled. He turned to look at me. "Will!" He yelled again once he realised he was still in pajamas.

I looked away before I could start blushing, then walked out of the cabin.

I went and sat down at the Apollo table with my siblings. They were surprised to see me and all started talking over each other.

Soon they calmed down and chose someone to speak.

It sounded like they were worried I'd never come for breakfast. Which obviously wasn't true.

I stopped paying attention when I noticed Nico had followed me out and was sitting down at his table.

He didn't eat much, just stared. Then he locked eyes with me. I blushed and looked away, trying to hear what my siblings were telling me.

Then one of them spoke up. "Looks like Will's got a cruuush!" She teased. I blushed again. "Shut up." I said. She did, but all of them started looking at me weird. I was done eating so I left the table and started packing for our trip.

AN: I tried making this chapter longer than usual. I changed from giving the characters name, to I or me. I will try to keep it that way for future chapters. The chapters also alternate between Will and Nico. I also have a pretty good idea for the next chapter. I don't have an ending planned out, but I do plan on making a second book. Thank you for reading!

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