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Third Person~

Today is that day that Skelly is gonna have shots and he already knows about it and he's very scared for it. 

He hates shots so bad even since he was a kid Wither knows he doesn't like it at all but, he has to go get them. 

At the doctors~

Wither and Skelly are at the room for shots and Skelly is shaking so badly making Wither hold him tighter. 

"Skelly listen to me you're gonna be okay it's only one shot..." Wither said comforting Skelly against his chest. 

"Are you sure I'm only getting one..?" Skelly said being very scared. 

"If they told me yesterday that you're getting more than one shot they wouldn't have told me..." Wither said. 

Skelly nodded snuggling Wither's chest for comfort which Wither hug him tightly he's sitting on the exam bed and Skelly in his lap hugging him still. 

After a few minutes the doctor came in "Um.. There's something I need to tell you..." the doctor said. 

"Um.. What is it..?" Wither ask hoping that it wasn't he thought it is making Skelly shake more. 

"Skeleton needs more than one shot he needs three..." The doctor said. 

Wither's eyes widened Skelly is also shocked too "I thought they told me that it's only one shot not three..." Wither said. 

"I thought so too but, it says he needs three so he's getting three..." The doctor said. 

Wither's heart breaks from hearing this the doctor told him that the shots will come in just a few minutes before he left. 

Wither hugs Skelly even more tightly as he's shaking badly "It's gonna be okay Wither's here I'm gonna hold you when they give you shots okay..?" Wither ask softly. 

"O-Okay..." Skelly said shaking more for comfort Wither kiss Skelly on the head a few times before pulling away. 

A few minutes later~ 

The nurse came with the shots Skelly started to panic "Skelly calm down it's okay love..." Wither said in shocked as he hold him tighter. 

"It's okay Skeleton it's gonna be very quick..." The nurse said getting the first shot ready. 

As the nurse is getting the first one ready she turn to Wither and ask "Can you turn him around so you can distract him..?" she ask. 

Wither nodded and gently turn Skelly's body as he's laying on his side before wrapping his arms around him. 

The nurse comes up and gently get Skelly's left arm she gently wipes it spot; the spot where the end of the arm to the shoulder. 

Once it's dry she got the first shot and put it in Skelly's arm he scream in pain as a few tears came down his eyes as he sobbed. 

"It's okay my Skelly, Wither's here it's almost done..." Wither said comforting him. 

Once the first shot is done the second shot came next Skelly let out another cry of pain making Wither's heart break more from hearing the cries of pain. 

After the third one is done the nurse ask Wither some simple doctor questions about Skelly as Wither is answering the questions he's comforting Skelly at the same time.

"So how often does Skelly get shots..?" The nurse ask. 

"Once a year..." Wither said. 

"Does, Skeleton have a family..?" The nurse ask. 

"He use to have one his family and his parents are abusive to him during his childhood..." Wither said. 

"Are you his boyfriend or friend..?" The nurse ask. 

"His boyfriend..." Wither said. 

After answering the questions for a few minutes Wither and Skelly left the doctors office Skelly's left arm hurts a little bit. 

Once there home Wither bring him to their bedroom and lay him on the bed before laying down next to him. 

"Skelly, I know you hate them but, you're so brave and I'm proud of you..." Wither said softly with a smile before wiping the tears away. 

Skelly blush before he smile back Wither very gently bring Skelly closer to him until there bodies are touching. 

Skelly snuggle against Wither's chest making Wither smile before gently placing his right hand under his chin and slowly lift it up until their eyes met. 

Wither lean in and there lips met Skelly blush more as they kiss gently and softly they kiss for a while before they gently pull away. 

"I love you my Wither..." Skelly said softly before closing his eyes with a smile as he's blushing. 

"I love you too my Skelly..." Wither said softly before using his hacking powers to bring the blankets closer to them. 

Wither gently kiss his forehead a few times before gently pulling away Wither smile at his Skelly before closing his eyes. 

Even though Skelly hates shots Wither knows he's very brave to get the shots done. 

Wither X Skelly OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now