It's gonna be okay

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Wither's POV 

It's been a few hours after Skelly left to go check on something which I don't know what it is but, I started getting worried as the sun is going down. 

Skelly said to me that he's going to see Creeper and Slime for a few hours which I think he's checking on them after the battle that happened at Monster School. 

I don't wanna get into details about what happened but, some of us are hoping to recover from the battle. 

I was pacing around the living worrying about my Skelly he never been gone this long before if I have the chance I can teleport to him get him home. 

At the moment I heard the door open I stopped pacing and turn around my eyes widened my beautiful Skelly have blood coming down his left arm and his forehead very badly. 

"SKELLY!!!" I said in a shout as I ran to him I check all over him and notice the blood coming down "What happened to you?!" I ask in a shout. 

Skelly looks at me before he hugs me tightly I look down at him he started crying really hard my heart breaks from hearing those sobs. 

I gently hug him back so tightly trying to comfort him "Shhh, it's okay I'm here Skelly, I'm gonna take care of you..." I said using my softest voice to him. 

Skelly nodded as he's still crying I gently pick him up in a bridal-style and gently place him on the couch very gently trying not to hurt him more.

I notice the blood is really coming down "I'm gonna clean up the blood ok..?" I ask softly still using my softest voice. 

Skelly nodded he's not talking but, I know he can understand that he needs help I spawn the first aid-kit next to me and got the wipes I use one of them to put it on Skelly's forehead. 

Skelly shriek as more tears came down my eyes widened when he shrieked I think the cut on his forehead must hurt the most. 

"I'm so sorry Skelly, I know it hurts but, I need to clean up the blood it's gonna hurt but, it will hurt only a second..." I said still using my softest voice. 

Skelly nodded as more tears came down from his eyes I very gently wipe the blood away from his forehead and I use one more on his left arm. 

Once the blood is gone I spawn a Potion of Healing II and I fed it to Skelly the cuts have healed and the blood have stopped. 

We stare into our eyes I notice the pain in Skelly's eyes "It's gonna be okay Skelly, Wither's here I'm not gonna let you get hurt again..." I said using my softest voice still as I'm comforting him. 

I gently wrap my arms around him hugging him close to my body Skelly gently wrap his arms around me. 

"I-I'm s-so sorry W-Wither..." Skelly said sobbing softly I look down at him this is the first time he spoken when he came home. 

I gently pull away the hug as I stare at him "Skelly this is not your fault but, who attack you..?" i ask still using my softest voice. 

Skelly look down for a bit before he looks back at me "A skeleton attacked me..." Skelly said still sobbing. 

My eyes widened "Is it a stray or another skeleton that looks like you..?" I ask still using my softest voice. 

"It was a another skeleton..." Skelly said still sobbing I started thinking his parents died a few years ago so did my parents. 

So it must be another skeleton that wanted to attack anyone that it hates I gently bring Skelly into a warm embrace by wrapping my arms around him. 

"Don't cry Skelly..." I said still using my softest voice as Skelly is sobbing into my chest I hate seeing him like this so I started thinking of what to do. 

As, I look at him I gently kiss his forehead I started hearing his sobs soften I smile at him before I started kissing his head more. 

Skelly's sobs have stopped and he sighs as he felt me kissing his head he started blushing with a smile. 

I kept on kissing him until I made it down to his neck Skelly moan softly as I'm kissing his neck I kiss him for a while before I gently pull away. 

I notice that his tears stopped we both smile at each other before I gently place my right hand under his chin. 

We slowly and gently lean in and we started kissing each other on the lips Skelly is still blushing but a lot harder as I'm hovering over his lips. 

We kiss for a minute before we gently pull away we both smile "Wither..." Skelly said softly as he's still blushing. 

"Skelly..." I said also softly but, I'm also using my softest voice that I always use on Skelly which he really loves. 

We both lean in again as our lips met and we started kissing Skelly gently place his hands on my hips I sigh into the kiss when I felt his hands. 

I gently wrap my left arm around Skelly's back causing him to moan into the kiss as he's blushing way more as I gently bring him closer to my body. 

Once, Skelly's body is touching my we both moan into the kiss we both love kissing each other it feels so good as our lips gently press against each other. 

After a long while we gently pull away with a smile "I love you Wither..." Skelly said using his softest voice that made me smile. 

"I love you too Skelly..." I said also using my softest voice we both smile before I stand up and gently pick Skelly up in a bridal-style. 

I bring Skelly upstairs to our bedroom and open the bed and gently place Skelly on the bed he blush when I bring the bedsheets to him. 

Once, I did I walk over to the other side of the bed and lay down next to him "Are you feeling better..?" I ask softly. 

"Yea, I'm better thank you for taking care of me Wither you're the best boyfriend ever..." Skelly said softly with a blush. 

"You're welcome Skelly, I'll always take care of you..." I said softly with a smile we both hug each other as I use my hacks to bring the bedsheets to me and gently place it on me. 

I gently place my right hand under Skelly's chin and we slowly lean in and started kissing each other on the lips. 

We kiss for a while before we gently pull away with a smile Skelly snuggle my chest as I gently rub his back up and down as I'm warming him up. 

Our bodies are still touching as we smile at each other I watch as Skelly slowly close his eyes with a smile as he's falling asleep. 

As my right hand is still under his chin I gently lean in and I started kissing Skelly's lips he started blushing when he felt my lips. 

I kiss him for a while before I gently pull away before kissing his forehead for a bit before I gently pull away. 

"I love you Skelly..." I said very softly making him blush. 

"I love you too Wither..." Skelly said as he's blushing. 

I smile at him before I slowly close my eyes falling asleep as well as I'm holding Skelly to keep him warm over night. 

We both smile as we're sleeping with each other Skelly is now safe in my arms after he got attack but, I'll always be there for him. 

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