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Wither's POV 

I open my eyes before Skelly open his we stare at each other with a smile "Hey..." Skelly said in a tired voice "Hey..." I said softly with a smile. 

I gently lean over him and gently place my left hand under his chin we gently lean in and we started kissing each other on the lips Skelly started blushing when he felt my warm lips gently pressing against his. 

We kiss for a while before we gently pull away with a smile "Come on we better get going I think we have a challenge today..." I said softly before getting off the bed. 

"You really think so..?" Skelly ask softly I nodded as I watch him getting off the bed as he stand in front of me "Come here you..." I said softly bringing him closer to me as I gently press my lips against his. 

Skelly's eyes widened but he close them and kiss me back he gently wrap his arms around my chest I smile into the kiss as I gently place my hands under his chin. 

We kiss for a while before we gently pull away with a smile we stare at each other for a bit before we left our bedroom and our house to go to Monster School. 

Once we're at Monster School the challenge is the hunting for rare diamonds challenge and Herobrine split us up into 2 groups. 

Pigman, Enderman, Reekid, Ghast, Spider, and myself are in the 1st group. 

Zombie, Slime, Creeper, Skelly, and Florence Kingsley are in the 2nd group. 

Me and Skelly don't like that we're in different groups but, we'll see each other in a few hours "Good luck Skelly, I love you..." I said softly with a smile. 

"Good luck to you too Wither, I love you too..." Skelly said also with a smile and also with a blush we gently kiss on the lips for a bit before pulling away. 

We split into the woods as Herobrine is waiting for us my team found a lot of diamonds I hope that Skelly is okay with his team. 

After a few hours my team came back with diamonds but, we notice even Herobrine that the other team haven't came back yet I started to get worried. 

But, they show our eyes widened when we saw them covered in water and mud "You can't believe what the hell happened..." Zombie said. 

I notice Skelly and my eyes widened even more "SKELLY!!!" I shouted he look down he's all covered in mud that I can't see his milk-white color bones. 

I walk up to him as we stare at each other "What happened..?" I ask softly I never saw him like this "Well all of us fell in the mud as we're all soaked..." Skelly explain. 

I sigh after he explained what happened "Well the first team won but, don't worried guys you all fell into the mud but, did you guys fine-". 

"No we didn't we look everywhere and we can't fine anything..." Florence said. 

"Ok ok ok um...we're gonna end the school day here and you guys are covered in mud you can wash up..." Herobrine said all of us nodded as we headed home. 

Once, Skelly and I are home I bring Skelly to the bathroom and turn on the tub so he take a bath "Ok, Skelly go easy while you go in..." I said softly. 

Skelly carefully got in the tub as he can feel the warm water as he sat down "Is the water warm enough..?" I ask softly. 

"Yea...can you come in with me..?" Skelly ask softly with a smile I smile back "Sure..." I said softly as I went in and sit down next to him. 

"Come lay down on me..." I said softly Skelly blush as he lay down on my body I notice I'm getting mud on me but, I don't care as I wrap my left arm around him. 

I gently wash the mud off of his body and everything until he's all clean "Okay all the mud is off..." I said softly as we both smile. 

We both get out of the tub and gently wrap Skelly around with a towel drying him up until he's all dry up "Okay we're gonna go to our room and I'm gonna cuddle you..." I said softly making Skelly blush more. 

We walk into our bedroom and I close the door before we hop on the bed I lay on the bed before Skelly lays on top of me. 

I gently wrap my arms around him as we stare at each other I gently put Skelly on the bed before pulling away gently he groan when I pull away he really hates being cold. 

"It's okay I'll warm you up..." I said softly making Skelly smile and blush I gently got the bedsheets and gently place them on us before wrapping my arms around him. 

Skelly moan when he feels my warm body "Awww, Skelly you're so cute..." I said as I sit up against the bed with Skelly in my arms. 

Skelly snuggle against my body trying to get warm as we cuddle each other I gently place my hands under his chin we gently lean in as our lips met and we started kissing. 

We both started blushing as our warm and wet lips met I gently pull away with a smile "Please kiss me more~" Skelly said softly with a moan. 

I smile at him more "Oh, Skelly come here~" I said softly bringing him to my lips we kiss more we kiss for a long while before we gently pull away. 

We both lay down on the bed still cuddling each other I gently bring the bedsheets closer to us Skelly is laying on my body as we're still cuddling. 

I watch as Skelly close his eyes falling asleep on me I gently kiss his forehead very gently for a while making him blush as he snuggles my chest gently. 

I gently pull away the kisses on his forehead before I close my eyes also falling asleep as I gently hold Skelly close to my body. 

The next morning we both wake up as we stare at each other with a smile "I love you Wither..." Skelly said softly "I love you too Skelly..." I said softly. 

We both lean in as our lips met and we started kissing we kiss for a while before we gently pull away with a blush we gently hug each other as we cuddle more I love Skelly so much I'm glad we started falling in love. 

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