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(I'm alive again- Soon to be dead.)
Sorry for any spelling mistakes, I haven't slept yet.

Y/n's POV:

"Go fish." I say bluntly as I walk through the cave.

Sounds of rampage is coming from above. What the fuck are they doing up there? Seeing who can destroy the ground?

I haven't seen NB in a while. I miss them. I barely know them but I miss them.

"May the force be with us." Now I'm just spouting random shit. Everywhere I go in this stupid cave, everything looks the same. Everything was in a shade of blue. Blue. Everything was blue.

What the fuck is this? And why are there insane writing on the walls? "May there be no god?" I step back as I read that one out loud. "Blue isn't supposed to be everywhere." I read another one. How many people were here before me? How many people were in this world before us?

The sounds from above won't stop, what the actual fuck is going on up there? Is everyone ok? Is Aiden ok? What is happening?

I should be thankful that I'm missing it..But I'm not. I feel guilty. Always so guilty.

I decided that I should stop thinking about it and distract myself with the insane writings. Nothing's wrong with that. Why would there be anything wrong with that?

"Pray for the one who gets that cursed gem." I read out loud. Of fucking course. My hair color is a bit more blue now, and I have the gem. Fuck you god. Fuck you for putting this on me. Fuck you for all the shit you give me. Everything comes at a price, I miss the rampage but I get a cursed gem. Just great.

I sat down. Blue is everywhere. Everywhere. Now I understand why they wrote this stuff. Whoever was here before, went insane. All of them did. How many people were stuck in this phantom world? How many people got stuck here, never to understand why? How many died? Did their family ever care? Did anyone care? Will anyone care?

Millions of questions, none are being answered.

"May you all rest in peace." I mumbled as I stand up and walk forward. The more I walk, the bluer everything becomes.

It wasn't long until everything was blue to me. It was difficult to keep my eyes open. Everything hurts. It's as if something was crushing my body. What is this world. And why does it suck so much?

Everything was blue. I couldn't see anything but blue. I crashed into walls, tripped over rocks, and couldn't open my eyes. I wanted to stop. But something was telling me to continue forward. To continue into this hell. It was as if something was behind me. Watching me. Stalking me. What was this horrible feeling..?

This feeling, it's terrifying. But I gotta let the demons know I'm one of them. So I let out small demonic sounds as I walked.

Then demonic sounds responded.

I stopped dead in my tracks. What the fuck.

I was still for a few minutes before making another demonic sound and continued walking.

The more I walked and made the sounds, the more the sounds replied and sound babyish.

In this blue hell, there's something. Is that why there were no bodies? I just continued making the sounds, and the sounds responded back. It was more babyish now. Should I be calling the thing it? What if it's a guy, or a girl? I should be respectful, so for now. The pronouns are they/them.

They were actually quite nice. They made particular noises to prevent me from walking into walls. They were leading me around. It was nice having a campion.

Soon enough, thanks to the help of the demonic being, I was lead out of the dead blue area. I could finally see again. And there was no writing, did no one ever get to this point. I stood still before turning around to see the demonic creature.


It was a baby white phantom. I stood still. So they could be babies. Are they procreated or do they just spawn?

I slowly bent down and smiled. My arms opened for the little one. I didn't expect them to hug me, but they did. This was odd. A baby, a baby phantom, a baby white phantom. This is the second one, and I like this one better. They're nicer than the big one.

But it does scare me that this baby phantom made demonic noises. Phantoms don't usually make noises. Do the white ones just do or can they all? Do they have voices as babies but it disappears? Whatever it may be, they're adorable.

I slowly back up from the hug. "Let's find a way out!" I said with a smile. I will kill the government for this baby phantom.


We wandered for hours. Or at least it felt like it. When the blue became more, we walked the other way. It took a while but we found the exit. The exit...Back to the place I was running from earlier. I took the baby phantom's hand.

"I need a name for you. A good name." I say as we step out. Out to the forest. I wonder what the others are doing. Are they ok?

I'll have to tell Alex and Tyler about the newly acquired baby phantom I have. They'll probably have some good names for them.

"Let's get going." I said as I started to walk. The baby phantom just tried they're best to keep up. I did slow down so that the baby phantom wouldn't have much struggle. This was oddly peaceful, for a phantom world. Was it always this peaceful?

"It's..Calm." I say as I walked up to a tree. I then sat down, leaning against the tree. I was...tired. "Let's get some rest, little one." Could phantoms sleep? I don't know. But...Why am I sleeping in this world?

???'s POV:
This is not good. Not good at all. It's a miracle they all survived.

Now they're all worried for Y/n, who seems to be..Sleeping? Sleeping? They're sleeping? I didn't realize that was possible. And is that A BABY PHANTOM!? OMG! IT'S SOOOO ADORABLE!

Wait. Don't get distracted. I have to focus at the main questions at hand. How is Y/n sleeping, how much does Peri know, is Peri human, and where can I get a baby phantom?

I'm back. I started writing this at like, four thirty am, and now it's five twenty-

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