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A/n: Yoooooooooo- I'm back. So here's another chapter

Y/n's pov

I stared at the abandoned bus. "Wanna go exploring. Maybe there's something in these buses that are important in some way." I was exploring the bus graveyard with Aiden. "Orrrr we can just explore for fun!" I say happily as I walk into the abandoned bus. Aiden walks in behind me.

"I like the second option better." Aiden says with a grin. His grin..Why is his grin so damn attractive? I'm not gay, am I gay? Should I be questioning my sexuality right now? Or should I be saving that for later? Meh, I'll think about this later.

I then climb all over the bus seats. It's six pm on a Saturday. We have plenty of time before we go back to the phantom world. I should enjoy these moments while I still can. Who knows when one of us will die. It could be tonight or tomorrow. Any day, any time.

I spent my time either climbing everywhere, the bus seats, the bus itself, the wall, or talking to Aiden about random things, like rats.

I spent time talking about if the phantoms were all male or all female. Me and Aiden made a bet about it. I said male, he said female.

These jokes, these moments, they make me forget about how the world actually is.

"Did you know that cockroaches can live up to a week without their heads! They'll only die because they can only drink water from their mouths!" I say happily as I hang upside down from on of the bus seats.

"How do they breath then? Without a head?" Aiden asks. I then proceed to spend like ten minutes explaining that cockroaches have some holes in their bodies that allow them to breathe. Cockroaches only die of dehydration if they don't have their heads and they don't get killed by another thing.

"And that is one of the many useless facts I know!" I tell Aiden with a smile. I know many useless facts. Some worse, some better.

"Tell me about them!" Aiden says as he sits on the same bus seat that I'm sitting upside down on. I smile at him and go on about the many different facts I know.

I tell him the facts about cats bumping their head against yours means that they love you, I tell him about the fact that spiders live in the most undisturbed part of your rooms, and other facts I know. Like I said, some better, some worse.

The phantom world is something that may take our lives but I can happily say that I lived my life mostly the way I wanted.

I shoved the sad thoughts away as I continue telling random useless facts to Aiden. I should stop thinking too much and just focus on the present.

The present moment I'm having with Aiden.

???'s pov

This place is kinda fruity, not gonna lie..Nevertheless, I'm just going to sit back, watch these people get together, and save them from behind the scenes. Peri still scares me tho-

I'm alive, I swear- Anyways, sorry for being gone for so long. Here's a new chapter and sorry for disappearing like that

Graveyard. (Aiden x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now