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Y/n's P.O.V

"How much longer?" Peri whines. James just laughs and so do I. "We've been walking foreverrrrr." I hear some more laughter but this time I'm not laughing. I felt like something bad was going to happen and I didn't like it. At all. What if one of us dies? What if- "Oooooo! A knife!" Peri says in awe. Peri acts like a child sometimes. Now that I think of it, Peri started to act like a child after Izzy showed up.

Probably nothing but a fun fact. Suddenly we hear something and it sounds like something screaming. We all turn our heads only to see a bunch of phantoms and a albino phantom? I never knew there was such a thing. I snap out of the trance and started running. I don't know where I'm running to. But I'm running. After a while I feel my legs get tired and in a million chances. I fall into a hole and it hurt as hell falling into that fucking hole.

Suddenly I hit the bottom and I think I might of broken a few bones. Cause it hurt to even sit up. I put my hand to my head to only feel something wet...I was bleeding. I started to cry because the pain was too much for me. After what seems like an eternity. I finally get up. This hole wasn't just a hole. It was an entrance way. I was stuck in a cave. Alone.

I tried to take a step and I nearly fell. But a caught onto something. It was a rock sticking onto a wall. Wait...A wall! I can lean on the wall and try to find my way out! Cause I am not going to even try to climb up the hole. I start to make my way through the cave and try to find a way out. Luckily so far there doesn't seem to be any demons or phantoms. Or that albino phantom...the albino phantoms can make loud noises and look pretty.

It terrifies me on how pretty that albino phantom was. It even put me into a trance...what about the others? What about Aiden? Are they ok? I tried to remember if they were running too. But the only thing that pops into my head was the albino phantom, Peri, and Izzy......Wait. Peri and Izzy? Why was I thinking about them? Then I realized. The albino phantom was looking at both of them.

Was it because of the knife Peri picked up. I mean the phantoms only appeared after Peri picked up the blade...what was so valuable about the blade..? I have no clue. A voice says. I almost tripped in surprise. What the fuck was that? Once I regain my stance I look around. In the distance is a blue light. I feel the pain leave my body as I walk towards the blue light.

Once I get to where the light was coming from I realize. The blue light was coming from a gem? Why was the gem glowing? Something in me just wanted to touch it, to steal it. I started to walk towards it. I felt like the world around me was fading, all of it. Fading. I reach my hand out and grab the gem. Suddenly the world around me changes as I'm face to face with me..?

"Hello..?" I ask to me? As other me turns around shock.

"What the!?" Other me yells. They seemed shock to see me. Then again we look almost like the same person. The main difference is our hair. My hair is tied up and dyed blue..? I never dyed my hair blue. Wait...the gem! It was glowing blue! Maybe it changed my hair color a bit. "You look like me but male." Other me says. Other me has their hair dyed pink at the ends.

"What do you mean by me being male?" I ask other me. They just stare at me.

"I have no gender. I'm non-binary." They tell me. I nod and give them a thumbs up. They smile in return. "So what's your name?" Other me asks.

"Y/n." I respond. Their eyes go wide a bit.

"My names Y/n too!" They tell me. Now it's my turn to be shock.

"So what do we call each other?" I ask other me.

"I'll call you M!Y/n and you call me NB!Y/n." They tell me. And I nod my head.

"Sounds good too me." I tell NB!Y/n.

"So what anime are you stuck in? I'm stuck in the 'Dangerous life of Saiki'." They tell me. I feel jealous.

"No fair. I'm not in an anime. I get thrown into a phantom world tho." I tell NB. Their eyes go wide.

"Like as in the School bus Graveyard?" They ask me. I give them a look.

"Um what now?" I ask them and they shake their head.

"Never mind. Oh btw your about to go back." They tell me.

"Wait what-" suddenly I wake up at home in my bed. I feel something in my hand. I look down to see the blue gem. "Oh no....I'm fucked."

???'s P.O.V

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE GEMS ARE MISSING!?" Alan yells. I cover my ears. Why did I decide to eavesdrop on Alan again? And what gems? What the fuck is he on about? I just hope this has nothing to do with my group. I really hope nothing happens to them...


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