One bed

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"I'll get you a glass of water" Carlos said once he had Y/n sitting on his lounger in his resting room. He quickly left and just as quickly returned to her, closing the door. He handed her the glass and watched her drink.
"You look so pale...what happened?" Carlos was wondering if fate hated him so much. Every time he decided to cut ties with Y/n, something happened and he had to deal with her.

"My father is an asshole" she told him everything that had happened, from the day he had contacted her to cheer her up, to the invitation to Silverstone, to the offer to the confession.

Carlos listened to her in silence, he couldn't see her feeling so bad for others, but he also understood that she needed something he couldn't give her now. He made her vent and calm down, then spoke to her.

"I'm really sorry, Y/n and I apologise if I contributed to this shit..."
Y/n thought that something could be rebuilt between them, that it wasn't so late to start again.
"...but" that word made her blood run cold.

"but I realised that what we were can't and shouldn't come back." he startled himself for what he had just said "ours wasn't a healthy relationship  and I realised how impossible it is for me to hold on to something like that. I think we are both to blame at this point. We couldn't live it well and I don't want to suffer or risk dying. My life is just racing and I can't have any other distractions."
"Are you breaking up with me again, Carlos?" Y/n didn't expect anything like that, especially after that morning of memories.

"Have we ever been a couple, Y/n?" he looked her straight in the eye, his gaze was sad and resigned, while hers was bewildered. "Have we ever lived this story in a normal way? I felt awful when those pictures of you and Max came out, and although I had a seven-year-long relationship, ours hurts a lot more and I can't handle that."

Y/n got angry with Carlos, answering him in tone
"I changed my life to be next to you, I moved to another country, I turned my habits upside down, I gave up everything to be next to you. I knew you were selfish, Carlos. But not that selfish." Carlos looked at her seriously, his eyebrows furrowed. He did not expect those words from her, not at all.
"I never asked you to change your life for me and if you say I am selfish means you don't know me at all" he was annoyed by this discussion, disappointed, angry.

"I guess this is goodbye for real, then."

They remained silent for a while, despite everything, neither of them wanted to leave. Then Carlos walked up to her, took her chin and looked down at her, those big, sweet eyes had been his oxygen, Carlos' safe place.

"You are the most beautiful creature I have ever met, Y/n," his eyes filled with tears. "But I have to focus on my career, I can't do otherwise or I'll end up overwhelmed by it all."

They both stood looking at each other, inches apart, both with tear-filled eyes.


As promised, Charles visited Y/n in London and listened to everything Y/n told him about his father and Carlos.
"How do you feel now?" asked Charles. He was sad that his two friends were feeling bad for each other and wanted to do something to cheer Y/n up.
Y/n did not answer, she had her head resting on Charles' shoulder, but stared at the empty space in front of the sofa where they were sitting.
"I think you need a holiday," he said all of a sudden. She turned back to him
"A holiday? No, I just need to be alone."
"No, you're coming with me. End of story. Do you have the equipment to go skiing?"
"Skiing? I haven't gone since my mum was here..."

"Then I really don't think they fit you anymore. Up, up! See you in three days at the airport. I'll take care of everything, ok?" Charles gave her a kiss on the forehead and walked away, leaving Y/n alone but rather excited about this sudden departure.

Romeo and Juliet || Carlos SainzWhere stories live. Discover now