The heartbeat

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After reading that message, Y/n walked towards Charles' room and knocked. It wasn't long before Charles opened the door for her, looking at her with wide eyes. Y/n really had no idea what was going on, what she had done wrong.
"What is wrong with you?" y/n closed the door behind her and followed Charles to the centre of the room. He was flustered, looked at the pavement, then touched the back of his head with both hands and looked at the ceiling.
"Charles you're scaring me"
"Why were you with Max tonight?"
"What do you mean? You suggested me to go to him!"
"I suggested you talk to him, not to be seen in the car with him, wearing a Red Bull sweatshirt" Charles gesticulated a lot as he spoke and his tone of voice was high.
"It had rained and I got my clothes wet. Max lent me his, nothing happened between us, OF COURSE"
Charles nodded, he believed her but knew that this would have far more serious consequences than y/n could have imagined.
"And why are you so mad about it? Nobody saw me!"


As soon as Y/n left the hotel to go to Max, Charles videocalled  Charlotte and he informed her of Carlos's medical condition, without mentioning in any way y/n's team radio or where y/n was at the time. Although Charlotte was his girlfriend, y/n was his best friend and would not tell anyone the private facts of her life. He went to the bathroom, took off his clothes and got into the shower, came out after a while and rolled the towel around his waist, remaining shirtless. His body was perfectly trained, he loved going to the gym and liked the results even more. A few drops ran down his chest and ended up on the edge of the towel, being absorbed by the sponge. He took whatever he needed to shave and did so calmly, in silence. In any other situation he would have turned on Spotify and played the Peso Pluma playlist, but that was not the case. He tried hard not to think about Carlos' accident, so he spent an unspecified amount of time shaving in front of the mirror.

He took a good look at himself, rinsed his face and applied aftershave, stroked his now smooth skin, brushed his teeth and thought about how Y/n was feeling at that moment. Next to the sink, on the marble countertop was his mobile phone. He looked at it for a moment, then picked it up, unlocked it and thought about texting her. Then he regretted it and was about to put it down when it rang in his hand. He looked at the screen, thinking it was Y/n, but it was Caco. Immediately he answered.

"Hi Caco, how's it going?"
"Hi Charles, very well. I called to tell you that whenever you want, you can now come and visit Carlos. The doctors said he can receive visitors"
"This is wonderful news, Caco!" Charles was relieved by this news, it meant that Carlos was indeed healing.
"When will you come?" Caco's question displaced Charles. He would have liked to go straight away, but Y/n wasn't there and who knows when she would be back, but he couldn't tell Caco where she was and certainly if she found out he had gone without her, she would never forgive him.
"Tomorrow morning for sure. For now it's probably best if Carlos rests" he held his breath, hoping that Caco didn't seem too disappointed by that answer which he felt was too cold, if forced.
"You're right! He's actually already asleep! Que cabròn!" Charles laughed into the phone, more because he had realised that Caco was not angry than because Carlos was asleep.

Charles ended the call and got dressed. He spent some time with Andrea Ferrari and his brother Arthur, whom he had not seen since the day before, they spent the whole afternoon together. But Charles' thoughts were all on Y/n; he was not worried, but he wished he could have been there to defend and help her. Before dinner, Charles' mobile rang again. He had it in his jeans pocket, picked it up and read the name "Mattia Binotto". He got up from the armchair where he was and walked away from the two.

*The conversation between Mattia and Charles was in Italian*

"Hello Mattia"
"Hi Charlie, can you talk?"
"Sure, tell me everything"
"Are you with someone? I'd like you to be alone" Charles looked at Arthur and Andrea and signalled to them that he would step away for a moment. He took the keys to his room and headed towards it.
"Did Caco call you? He told me Carlos is fine" Charles opened the room and entered, turning on the light.
"That's not why I called, Charles" his tone of voice changed abruptly. It became sombre, serious.
"What happened? You're worrying me"

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