The last time

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"The doctors said he was very lucky," Caco told Charles in the corridor while Carlos and Y/n were inside the room talking.
"It was a terrible accident" Charles felt chills run down his spine again.
"He will have to do physiotherapy, but he's good"
"Of course, he has to recover properly" Charles said as he felt his mobile phone vibrate inside his pocket. He looked at the screen "Mattia Binotto". His heart rose in his throat and he immediately turned away from Caco and the Sainz family.

Again, the conversation took place in Italian.
"Hi Charles, do you have a moment?"
"Yes, I'm at the hospital for Carlos."
"Great, I will call him later"
"But that wasn't what you wanted to talk to me about, right?" Charles hoped with all his heart that that call had been made to tell him that everything was back to normal, that Mattia had managed to convince the Scuderia executives that Y/n wasn't a spy or something on behalf of her father.
"Listen, I've spoken to whoever's in charge," he took a deep breath, "but..."

Charles' heart shattered. He began to think of all the problems Y/n would have to face from now on, trials, lawyers, anything to defend herself. He thought he would do everything he could to help her, to try to convince everyone of her innocence.

"You are making a huge mistake" were the only words Charles managed to utter.

"We have no intention of pressing charges or getting her into trouble, I have spoken up for myself so that we do not go ahead with legal action. But she will no longer be able to work for us or be seen around. They were clear about that. They also said that you and Carlos should not have any more dealings with Y/n either, but I know that you have formed a solid relationship. That is why you will have to be very careful not to be seen around her anymore. Our media team is already trying to delete all the pics of Y/n and Max together, they've been working for days, hoping this story will be forgotten as soon as possible."
The Ferrari team principal's words came like a missile at Charles. Certainly, the problem of the trial no longer arose, but the conditions were still terrible.
Charles ended the call and leaned heavily against a wall, brought his head back and closed his eyes. He felt responsible. He had been the one who had pushed her to go and talk to Max. They could have called each other, they could have clarified by sms, instead he had convinced her to go to him to talk. He could have called her when he thought about it, when he was in the bathroom. If he had called her, she would have asked him to pick her up and the paparazzi would have seen only him and her together, there would have been nothing strange. But no.
Now Y/n would lose her job, she would be fired and he would no longer be able to see her in public. He felt short of air, so he quickly walked out of the waiting room where he was and looked out from a nearby balcony. The air entered his nostrils and Charles took deep breaths. What the fuck had he done?

Suddenly his mobile phone rang again and, hoping it was Mattia with some positive news, he quickly picked it up. It was Charlotte.
They spoke briefly, Charles' answers were all cold, dry, he didn't talk to her about what was going on, he didn't feel like it. It would have made him feel even more guilty.
Besides, lately, things with Charlotte weren't exactly going as well as they used to. He felt her distant from him, he himself felt distant from her. Their calls were reduced to a mere list of each other's appointments and they could see each other very little lately. But the thing that scared Charles the most was that he did not miss her. He hung up the call with Charlotte and, looking at the screen, realised that it had lasted barely three minutes. He looked at the minutes on his mobile phone and thought that it had been too long since things had been like this, even though he felt so much affection and esteem for Charlotte. About this he was more than sure.
Yeah, but is that how love should be?


"I know it's not the most romantic place to say this, but I couldn't have waited any longer" Carlos's huge eyes shone and the wounds on his face made him even more handsome. Y/n turned all red and didn't know what to say. She felt embarrassed for the team radio, she felt guilty for what had happened with Max, and she felt like shit thinking that Carlos, sooner or later, would find out about those pictures, losing him forever. She felt short of air but felt she had to answer Carlos as soon as possible. The silence in that room was becoming unbearable.
"No, it''s perfect like this," she smiled and a tear fell. He wiped it away with his thumb and smiled at her again, the most beautiful smile he had ever given her.
Carlos moved to one side of the bed, making room for her to lie beside him. Y/n felt herself being pulled along by the current, at the mercy of events, unable to stop it. She lay down beside him and as soon as she was more settled, he put his arm around her neck and looked at her more closely. Her eyes were shining and Carlos thought they were because of what he had told her. If only they had both known what was going on outside that hospital room...Carlos moved closer to her, took her face gently with his other hand and gave her a kiss, his heartbeat quickened, they both heard that thing beeping faster. They pulled away and both smiled.
"Sorry, I'm happy," Carlos said looking at her lips, he gave her another kiss, sweet, soft, full of love for her. 

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