The crash

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During the race, Max struggled somehow to overtake Carlos, meanwhile, Charles was leading the Grand Prix. Max was very nervous, he couldn't finish third in this race, not after the press conference, not after what he did to Carlos and y/n chat. His hands were shaking, his jaw was so clenched he could feel the pain in his teeth. He was very mad at Carlos, he felt like that Ferrari in front of his car was making fun of him. His eyes were full of blood and he had to do something to overtake Carlos, he needed to do it as fast as he could, before the race ended.

"Ok Max, now you have DRS on Sainz" said Christian on the team radio. It was a couple of turns that Max was talking only to Christian, like y/n was disappeared, but she was still there, trying to find a way to make her work.
As soon as Christian said it, Max didn't reply and started accelerating, he reached Carlos and their gap was very close, Max was about to overtake Carlos. But suddenly Carlos moved right in front of Max to prevent the overtake and Max crashed into him. Y/n's heart stopped beating for a second. She stood up and looked at the monitor framing the accident. She looked at it freezing, hoping to hear both voices on the team radio.
Their cars took two different directions, Carlos ended up stuck in the gravel, while Max hit a tire barrier. Their race was over. 
"I CANNOT BELIEVE IT! HE'S AN ASSHOLE!" Carlos' team radio was heard on tv and everybody was very shocked by what he said. Y/n could breathe for a moment.
"FUCK!! WHAT THE FUCK DID HE DO?! FUCKING ASSHOLE!" Max's team radio was also heard on tv and it wasn't too different than the Carlos one. Everybody was happy that both were okay, but were too surprised by the rudeness in their words.

Y/n and her father knew exactly what was going on between those two. Christian looked at y/n, he was very mad at her.
"Have you seen what you've done?!" he smashed his headphones on the table. 
"Me?! What have I done?!" said y/n stunned. 

Max returned to Red Bull boxes and went to the office room with Christian. Y/n looked at them ignoring her and her eyes were full of tears. Suddenly Carola, Checo's wife, which was in the boxes too, saw y/n and hugged her, caressing her hair.
"It's okay, the important thing is that both are safe and sound. It's not your fault." Then she looked at her smiling, she wiped her tears and hugged her again. 
"Thank you Carola, you're very kind to me, I don't deserve it" said y/n fixing her hair and shirt. 
"You are doing an amazing job. Don't torture yourself" From the back of Carola, Christian came out and Carola winked at y/n, then she left y/n and Christian alone.

Y/n looked at Christian without saying a word. He looked at her in silence, then he started talking.
"Hope you'll answer properly during the press conference after this race" he said looking away.
"You know it was Max's fault, dad" she tried to stay calm but she was about to explode.
"You're in this team. Be serious, for God's sake!" he walked away from her, sitting next to Checo's track engineer, waiting for the race to end.


He returned back to his box still wearing his helmet. He was so angry and disappointed he didn't want to show his face to the cameras. He waited to enter his restroom to remove it, while Caco and Rupert followed him, closing the door. Also Mattia Binotto, Ferrari's team principal, joined them.
"It wasn't your fault, Carlos. We looked at the replay, he clearly pushed too much." Said Mattia. Carlos was looking down, he wanted to punch Max in the face so badly that his hands were shaking. Mattia hugged Carlos but he touched just for a second Mattia's shoulder. He wanted everybody to leave him alone, so after Mattia went out of the restroom, Caco and Rupert followed him. 
Carlos sat down on the floor, bumping his head toward the wall. He thought about the impact and he felt his neck was still hurting, he massaged it a bit with his right hand, closed his eyes and get hurt touching it. He got madder and threw a punch at the floor. 
"Fuck." was the only thing he said, then he looked at his hand and it was bleeding. He looked up, cursing himself for talking to Y/n in that damned elevator, for letting her get inside his life, right after his breakup with Isa. He knew that he was making a mistake,  that he better stayed alone for the rest of his days, thinking about the races and winning that damned Word Championship.

He took a deep breath, stood up and used a tissue paper to block the blood on his hand, then he looked outside the resting area. While he was moving towards his track engineer, who was talking to Caco and Rupert, his eyes were distracted by somebody coming towards him. It was Max, his eyes were locked on him and when he get very close to Carlos, he pushed him back.
Carlos didn't know how to react, he tried to remain calm, but it was quite impossible for him.
"Oh calm down, Max!" said Carlos putting his hands up, like surrending but Max pushed him back again. 
"you did it on purpose!" screamed Max, in the meanwhile Caco and some other Ferrari mechanics arrived to stop Max.
"I did nothing! Get away from here" said Carlos without touching Max. He knew that he would have touched him, it would have been a proper fight. 
Max was accompanied by a Ferrari mechanic away from Carlos box. Max was still mad and agitated, he turned back looking at Carlos.
"It's not over here, I'm telling you" Max was pointing his index finger towards Carlos who remained in silence. But this didn't mean he was calm, on the contrary. He felt like he wanted to break everything around him, he has never felt so angry before, never. 


After what her father said to her, he was so mad that she wasn't even happy that Checo arrived second in the Grand Prix. She felt very guilty for him and Carola, the only few people who seemed to care about her. After the race, there was a special conference to talk about the accident and y/n had to attend next to her father. He looked at her before staring with a cold and freezing gaze, she had to follow the plan and say what he wanted.
A journalist asked Christian what happened during the race. "Clearly Carlos waved too much when Max was trying to overtake him. It was impossible for Max to avoid his car." his voice was clear and calm, he was used to lie or to remain calm during stressful moments. Y/n looked at him and for a second she envied his attitude. Her thoughts were interrupted by the voice of another journalist asking a question to her.
"Y/n, do you agree with your father? In your opinion it was Carlos Sainz's fault too?"
Y/n looked at the crowd of journalists, she looked at her father, her voice struggled to come out, like his lungs didn't want to give her the air and betray herself and Carlos, but then she spoke: "I...I think Max had to try that overtake..." that was the only thing she could say at that moment. She moved the microphone away from her and looked at her father. He didn't seem happy as well.


"You okay, man?" asked Caco looking at Carlos. He was still shocked by what happened but also terribly angry at Max. After that text he got from y/n, Max behavior was too much for him.
"I'm okay" he drank a sip of water, then he put the bottle away. He saw a lot of mechanics looking at a tv screen, they were commenting and complaining but Carlos couldn't hear what was going on, so he joined the mechanics. Two of them made him space and touched his shoulder, as to cheer him up. He smiled for a second, then he saw y/n on tv, she was making an interview. He looked at her and for a second his heart stopped, he didn't expect to see her on tv, and she looked so beautiful yet so sad and scared. He looked at the screen, he pulled the corner of his lower lip with two fingers, it was his way to concentrate. He heard everything she said about the race, and even if she didn't mention him, she defended Max, at that was enough for him.
He looked at her for the last time, shook his head and came back to his hotel room.

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