Chpt10 • Who are you¿

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To all my readers, Author Ink/Kaeya here!!!!! I arrive with a new chapter for my Errorink Story.
I have started writing this on October 11 2023 10:39/AM during my break. The class I'm going to is Spanish I will die .⁠·⁠'⁠¯⁠'⁠(⁠>⁠▂⁠<⁠)⁠'⁠¯⁠'⁠·⁠.


Chapter pic: x_nzlian on instagram
Good Lecture


Once I'm at the AU I see someone new, they are oddly familiar. Oh no.. It's one of the DreamTale Twins! I don't remember his name. Oh wait, I can see the other sibling. He seems to be trying to stop the younger brother. I remember the creator of the AU asking me to watch over it. And now one of them became - A GIANT GOOPY OCTOPUS??? He looks horrendous too. Urgh.... I cannot interfere at the moment. In the codes its written to be a important timeline that needs to happen for the story to continue. These twins are just polar opposite of each other. One of them is a banana glow sticks and the other black and greenish blue???? I don't remember I can see some purple since this weirdo isn't fully an octopussy yet but meh. Why are they fighting again? Apparently over a tree, I don't get it. Is deforestation that bad her????? Was is a magic tree, who knows it's no longer there. I think I was too long into my thoughts cuz the minion one turned into stone somehow. How could straight up bones and tissue turn into stone? No idea. The creator has weird plots, I don't recall mine. Oh maybe I fought giant humans!!! I mean everything is giant to me sob....... While I'm at it might take a nap this I taking forever.
(A silly little bit of 2hours later)

I just woke up, it seems like everyone was killed other than the twins. I still see that stone yellow dude, I cannot seem to find the other octopus. That's weird anyway I wanna see closer than statue. It's been around a century since I've seen their faces close did he have a glow up¿ Silly me Sanss doesn't change features while growing up. I mean they're like 100 years old now right? Oh god how old am I?!?¿!!!¡ Over a couple centuries maybe.

Error's POV

Now that I got this squid out of my way, I can start finding more of those insane genocide route sanses. I can't bring myself to be the only one having to attack my opposite. He is too perfect and he always defeats be when I'm destroying an AU. I must seak backup, it's a little weak of me to ask some random sans help me do my "job"(mf doesn't know how to do it correctly). I believe the protector must be in that EcoTale AU. I did a couple damage around and scared some villagers it may hold him for a couple hours.
Little does glitch knows Ink was already done and was watching for a bit further away from everything.


I can't seem to find the goopy doopy octopussy inside of this AU. Weird the code doesn't say he's been dusted¿ Do may I should... uhhhh. Idk I can't remember what I wanted to say. OMG WHAT IF-IF I WENT TO FINALLY SEE CLOSER THAT-
*Ink pukes a bung of ink*
Whoops eheh. Now I should do what I have written on my hand. «Go closer to the Dream statue.» Ok sure!!!
(Ink starts walking towards the statue)
WOAAAW !!! The skeleton grew so much<33 I remember before he was shorter than me eheh. Maybe I should move the statue closer to that tree that is somewhat dear to them? Meh sure-

(After a silly while Ink placed Dream who got turned into stone in front of a tree that looks like it got cutted off)

I don't really care at this point, I only watched over them its not like I'll miss those twins but I will forget it anyway. Maybe I'll go back to the doodle sphere to see if any AU is getting attacked.

(Ink takes broomie and jumps into the puddle of black liquid into the creative dimension)

3rd POV!!

Before Ink and Error noticed another 5 centuries passed. Neither of them remembered their age, we all knew why for Ink but Error's reason is that he didn't care about it enough to remember. His birthday was enough to remember, he also remembered the portector's birthday but never mentionned it to the gang. Error brings Ink new art stuff or flavored paint idk he seems to enjoy them. And it's the only thing glitch has seen the small skeleton swallow. But during those times it has mostly been Nightmare/Corrupt and Error has a gang. Dust didn't directly agree and told Error to give him time and stayed in his AU, for Dust it has been 5 months with in the other dimensions it has been 5 centuries. They called themselves Nightmare's gang since Error didn't care if the co-leader's name was in the gang name tbh. All that mattered was that he could have more exscuses to see his beloved. And Ink on the other hand visited the Dream statue every decade. He hungout with it like it was an actual person. At the end of the fifth century, Ink was about to visit the next day or a week later depend if he remembers or not. The statue the contained that Dream skeleton started breaking appart piece by piece. 


I am bored. It's been another centurie or two since Ruru created himself a gang. Weird, why would he need backups when we fight? I knew he strugles everytime but these days I think he's been training since he has improved a lot. Maybe not these days but centuries eheh. Oh yeah! I really want to visit the statue. I don't remember why it's there but its been forever and so long theres pretty sure moss around it. I should do that now before I forget!!!! 

(He takes broomie and does the usual ink puddle on the floor to teleport into DreamTale)

This place is still the most deserted place. I mean at least it's not snowing here like most of the other AUs. I only remember the statue being located in front of a large dead tree trunk remains. I should look for it I like hangout it around it, it always listen to my rants and doesn't move too!!! I don't remember the person under the rock is or why are they like that but it's a future problem for another moment. Oh look I see rocks!!! Wait! I think I see the tree and where's the statue¿! I didn't have the time to react when.....

The meeting of one another. !!ErrorInk!!Where stories live. Discover now