Chpt1 • The First Ever???

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Author notes:
This story is made by me with inspiration from

But otherwise I take all credit for the writing of the story
Also no idc about my grammar mistakes leave me alone

Self h4tred


#4 was created all alone. He was a lonely skeleton in a empty world. The classic skeleton was not alone. He was with his unfinished friends and family. 

They were left with no feelings or will. He tried talking but he was the only one who had a will and feelings. He was sad, he was useless. He had nobody. He was a sad being who had no goal. He was simply there because of his creator. His creator didn't wish to finish it. It became chores to them. 

So he slowly gave up. The unknown man was not counting has a AU. He was no one, he was nowhere. He also had no name. So he was called #4 by his creator every now and then when they came back. He had enough, he was tired of being ignored and alone.

 He slowly took his soul..
 and ripped it.

 No one knew what happened next. Did he die? Or did he survive. No skeleton and beings can survive without a soul. But #4 seems to be an exception. He stayed alive after ripping his own soul. He had a bad punishment. They are where his tattoos come from. He woke up, he was silent. He had no idea what happened, or should I say no memory of it.

 He had markings all over his body, he had also no idea where were they coming from or was he born with it. He received his heavy amnesia from this. He didn't know anything of what happened before. All he knew is that he was alone, he had no feelings and had no goal. #4 waited... And waited. Until a single drop of colorful liquid fell on the emotionless skeleton.

 He received the blessing to feel. He felt happy, he thought he finally had a soul but. He didn't he was simply happy because of the paint that fell on him. A while later he felt nothing. The liquid had effect but it didn't last forever. He then decided to keep the paint and when he needed it he would use it.

 He discovered that he had the ability to create objects. His first experiment with that power was to create a paint brush to help him in future battles if getting out of his AU was possible. It was a little too big for him but he kept it and named it "Broomie". Then he gave himself the name "Ink". Because most of his new powers goes around ink related liquids. He had found the ability to teleport, creation, summon gasterblasters and use the power of paint to become what he wants.

 He was now considered a half god but he had no knowledge of that. At least he was now useful. He tries using his teleportation ability to get out. It didn't seem to work. He was mad and threw Broomie on the floor.

By accident Broomie leaves a big splash of black ink on the floor, Ink intrigue goes closer to check it out. He bends down to grab Broomie then he shoves a arm in the ink puddle. His arm seem to be in no problem. The problem is he doesn't where was it at. He gets his arm back and goes head first to see.

 He gets in an unknown AU. It was lively and colorful. He sees another one like him which means a skeleton. He had some blue sweater with greyish fur on his collar. He also had black shorts with a white strip and pink slippers. Ink didn't have any of those. He actually didn't wear anything at all because his knowledge of the outside world was too short. So he goes back in takes a smaller paint brush and starts creating himself some clothes. 

He choose a open top who's light brown with some darker brown straps with some short sleeves with a beige color that has the greyish brown ends.
He also made shorts who is a brown with a light blue jacket and a pair of shos with the same color scheme has him.

He takes the courage to get out of the AU and tried interacting with the monsters around. He by default spoke wingding. Only 2 monsters in every AUS/univers spoke that, the skeleton brothers. The first monster Ink tried interacting was a frog like monster. But he didn't understand him. Ink kept trying to find someone that could understand him until the brave Papyrus heard when the villagers were talking about a strange looking skeleton that spoke a weird language. 

He was searching for the skeleton told by description then he went to Grillby's. He finds the skeleton from the description he overhead, the amazing papyrus goes closer to Ink. Ink was sitting in a corner table with no emotions due to forgetting to drink his vials. Ink looks at the tall humanoid with a lifeless face. Surprised Papyrus says;

-"Hello young one, what are you doing here in Grillby's aren't you too young?"
The so called young one replied with....

To be continued

Hello author Ink from November here <33I am currently rewriting my chapters they didn't make sens nor was the descriptions right

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Hello author Ink from November here <33
I am currently rewriting my chapters they didn't make sens nor was the descriptions right. So you'll see modifications if youre someone who has been reading my work since chapter 1 love you all<33

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