Chpt4 • He Left And Will Never Come Back

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author notes:
Has usual I take all credit for the story writing and parts are inspired by a yt video where the comic was made by Comyet

Act like everything Ink says is in WingDing and shush about my grammar

I also totally didn't forget about this story
My husband for helping me with grammar
And my friend for the title idea 😭
More notes at the end btw!!

Then Sans attempts to take control over Ink's soul. Bad luck to him, Ink had no soul. Ink was a souless being. Shocked again the youngster stops attacking. Staring at the injured elder one he says;
-"How are you still here?"
Ink not knowing that didn't have a soul asked what he meant.
-"I mean you don't have a soul, how are you still here shouldn't you be dusted?"
Surprised by the old news Ink replies with some small stuttering;
-"I-I don't have a soul?!"
Sans didn't know how was he not aware of it. He said a dry no to the questioning toddler size skeleton.
Ink still in a shock had so many questions but knew Sans didn't have the answers. He just got up and picked up Broomie, the started walking back to tell «lil bro Papyrus» that he's fine. The youngster followed the elder one to find his brother. Once they found Papyrus they just looked at each other and didn't mention the f¡ght to the tall one.

Later they all arrived back home, Papyrus didn't seem to notice the small bruises and 1njuries on both Sans and Ink. The shorter's one was less visible since they seem to be either his tattoo or his ink mark on his cheek. When Papyrus when to have a walk and hangout with villagers of snowdin, Sans and Ink went directly in one's bedroom. After a while of silent and anxiety (mostly ink on that one), the youngest one spoke.
"Why... Do you really not remember loosing your own soul. The thing that's supposed to keep you alive?" Says Sans.
"No. I don't, it's weird but I don't seem to remember much." Replies the tattooed skeleton. After a while of chatting and getting off topic cause of Ink forgetting everything. Sans goes in with a simple and very likely theory, he says the following.
"What if, you're heavy amnesia could have been caused bye the lost of your soul? Like if the soul also contains memories."
Ink silently stares at classic not knowing what to say in response to that. Thinking about it, he also agrees to himself that the possibility that this statement would be true is pretty high. Since he seems to be perfectly fine mentally without his soul other than the short memory therms. Then he says how own part of the theory and how he thinks of it then suddenly. The shorter entity just stops responding, a little panicked Sans tries to make our foreign speaker respond then Ink justs. Pukes a little poddle of what will he be called in the future. Right after he starts talking again in his emotionless and monotone "voice". Our dear classic disgusted and freaked out by the sudden move just stares at him.
The taller one stands up and says he would come back soon. Ink, not used to orders just sits there weirdly silent.
The older brother soons comes back with cleaning tools like a mope and soap. The mess was surprisingly easy to clean and took the short time of a minute thirty.

Back to the matter in hand, they weren't sure what to do next. None of them knew how to use portals, but for now sans could only teach him his attacks that Ink also has or has some that works the same. They trained a while but the Ink had to go back exploring, Papyrus was sad to hear that his new friend had to leave but he knew not everyone can stay forever. Ink and the brothers made sure he didn't forget anything in this AU. Then he left to go back to that lake where he fought with Classic. Then saumons a ink portal again, unsure what type of AU this would be he hesitates. He made friends here and they don't seem to mind his plain voice and lack of expressions. They are all nice to him, some are exceptions but he thought about it and decided it final.

He chose to leave and explore other worlds that are still unknown to him. He may not have any hobby other than art but he finds getting into stressful situations or fun situations interesting. He hopes to meet someone that could help him with his current situation. While he was thinking about it and forgetting it, the portal eventually closed. That portal would have led him to a more dangerous AU. Even if he was trained a bit by Sans he wouldn't have been strong enough yet. He saumond another one and jumps in. When be got inside the AU he successfully landed and almost fell again but he kept balance. Ink starts to look around but didn't move. It look exactly like.....

I'm sorry but it's how the story gets fun. I was also running out of ideas at one bit so. I kinda said things that was already done in other chapters. Should I change the chapter names to more fitting names? It seems more logical to me.
Also can you guys guess what AU he got in?? 😼😼
Tbh nvm I'll change the chapter names.
The most important things I had wish to say is that I'm sorry I may not post much about the story. School started and I already have so much homework and exams coming up and school projects coming up I don't always have time. Like this story had to be finished cuz I personally forgot about it until hubblebubble_221 my rp husbando reminded me so-
I hope y'all enjoyed my suffering 😸

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