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8:12 PM

"What the red one or the blue cap?" Shaedon asked his mother as he was on the phone with her in the middle of the grocery store. He looked between the different types of milks they had in the refrigerators in the store.

Now that he was living alone he still had to call on his mother for everything, her and his sister were the ones that decorated his apartment when he first moved in. Without them his house would only have a beanbag, unhealthy snacks, and a playstation in there.

He was finally all the way comfortable with living alone in Portland, it was a plain city. Peaceful, it had the pefect weather for him, he would get recoginzed out in public a lot; mainly beacuse his face was plastered all over the city as the Portland Trailblazers brand new lottery pick.

Honestly Shaedon was a quiet and more to himself type of person, he didnt like that much attention on him all the time. But he didnt mind it from the pretty ladies he would see once in a blue moon.

That was one deal breaker about this city, he didnt see the type of girls that would normally catch his eye in his home town. It was a little more bland. But he had to keep reminding himself that he was too new in his career to be foucsed on girls.

His father would tell him that all the time, another deal breaker was he couldnt be around his family all the time. He loved being alone in his own place but it did get too quiet some times. His apartment still hadnt got that homey touch.

Even though it looked better than the way he would've decorated it, he missed home. Being with his family every day.

He missed getting on his older sister's nerves, eating his mother's home cooked meals, and practicing  with his father and brother before dinner.

They didn't wanna come out to Portland with him because they also had lives of their own. His parents were finally able to retire and live their lives without their kids, and his siblings were starting life without their parents as well

But Shaedon being the baby, he wasn't used to it. He got everything he wanted; so being alone felt like a world shift.

"I always get you almond milk, your stomach cant handle the regular ones." She said, Shaedon nodded walking over to the other refrigerator.

While his father didn't want him really fousced on relationships, his mother hated the thought of her youngest being out in a brand new city without anyone. He was a grown man now though, Shaedon could handle himself.

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