38. Old Sins

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Hi, finally, I finished chapter 38, but it became too long that I decided to split it in two. That's why the first part is coming today and I'll upload the other part this or next week. Have a good reading time!

The night sky lay peacefully over the Valley of Peace. In contrast to the lively hustle and bustle in the Jade Palace, where the entire village had gathered. The award ceremony was just taking place in the courtyard. All participants from the kung fu competition were lined up in a row. Po, of course, stood first, followed by Sheng, and then the other kung fu participants, according to the number of points they had collected during the competition.
Master Shifu gave a satisfied smile as he hung the medal of honor over Po's neck, closely followed by loud applause from the spectators. Po leaned down to him, not only so that Shifu could easily place the medal on him, but also because of deference to his master. Po's eyes wandered to the side, where not only his five friends and King Wang had gathered further away in the crowd, but also Ān-Mā, Ling, Shen and his family. Dao was lying on a gurney because he was unable to stand or sit due to his injury.
"Oh, by the way, thank you, Master," Po whispered to Shifu.
"For what, Dragon Warrior?"
"Well, considering that you and the grandmasters overlooked Dao's actions in Japan."
Shifu raised his eyebrows warningly. "We haven't discussed anything specific yet, Po."
Po put on a contrite face. "But we're still discussing it, right?"
"Dragon Warrior, we'll talk about that later." Shifu made a gesture of refusal. He still had to congratulate the other participants and went to Sheng next.
Shifu cleared his throat briefly. Although he had already planned out the words he wanted to say, but the thought of having to honor Shen's son made him uncomfortable. To this day, he had not fully come to terms with the terrible battle in Gongmen City on the fleets yet. Finally, he pulled himself together, took the medal and hung it around Sheng's neck. "You fought well."
Sheng smiled and bowed deeply. "Thank you! I feel honored."
Master Shifu just nodded at him and went to the other participants. The people around applauded with each presentation.
Po watched the bystanders. Especially Shen. He didn't change his face when Shifu handed over the medal to Sheng. Only Zedong made an acidulous face. He was probably still jealous that he wasn't allowed to stand in the row.
After all the medals had been distributed, as if on cue, rockets rose into the sky and started the fireworks display.
Master Storming Ox, who was standing near Master Shifu along with Master Croc, looked at the colorful spectacle with a suspicious glance.
Master Croc looked at him worriedly. "What's wrong with you again?"
"Fireworks," Master Ox replied darkly, not taking his eyes off the sky.
Master Croc frowned. "Uh, yeah, what's a festival without fireworks?"
Master Ox snorted. "Yes, only one person is out of place here on a topic like this." His gaze moved to Shen. It annoyed him that Shen's family had invented fireworks and that he was reminded of the dark backstory of the peacock family at every festive occasion. Especially that it had cost the life of one great kung fu master. Every time Master Ox saw fireworks, anger welled up within him.
Now Shen had also noticed Master Ox's gaze, and they both looked at each other venomously. Master Croc feared another impending argument and pushed Master Ox out of sight.
Meanwhile, the kung fu participants had scattered around the square and had mixed with the guests. Yin-Yu hugged Sheng. "I congratulate you, my boy."
And Po joined his friends.
"The medal looks good on you," Monkey said.
"Oh, thanks." Po rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. His eyes fell on Tigress, who gave him a friendly push on the shoulders. But before Po could thank her for the punch, Mr. Ping fell around his neck.
"Po! I'm so proud of you!" The gander then immediately detached himself from Po and excitedly he waved him over. "Come on now, we've already put the food out."
Po cheered. "Oh, yipiee! I have a Dragon-Warrior-Kung-Fu-Champion hunger."
Just as Po was about to run, he stopped when he saw Zedong standing next to him, still not looking happy.
"What is it?" Po asked uncertainly.
Zedong crossed his wings petulantly. "And there isn't one for me?" He looked at Po's dangling medal. "And who knocked out the idiot?"
Po looked contritely at his medal. "Well, unfortunately, there's no one else left..." He bit his lower lip as he thought he saw a sad expression on Zedong's face. Finally, Zedong turned around and walked away, still with his wings folded.
Po opened and closed his mouth helplessly. "Uh, listen, listen. You can have mine..."
"Dragon Warrior!"
Po flinched at Shifu's stern voice. With a pained smile, he turned to Shifu, who didn't look particularly friendly.
"B-but, Master Shifu," Po stuttered. "He did..."
"It's a kung fu champion's medal of honor," Shifu reprimanded him. "It must not be passed on to anyone else."
"But, Master. Can't you make an exception?"
But Shifu shook his head resolutely.
"Never mind," Sheng said, intervening and took his medal off his neck. "You can have mine." He held it out to Zedong.
At first, Zedong stared at him speechlessly, until he managed to move his beak again. "But it's yours."
Sheng smiled. "Then I'll carry out the law as the runner-up and hereby appoint you as runner-runner-up. Or junior master." With these words he hung the medal around Zedong's neck. "In recognition from brother to brother," Sheng added, stroking Zedong's head.
In the next moment, Liana appeared and gave Sheng a kiss on the cheek.
Zedong twisted his beak in disgust and suppressed his intention to say "Thank you."
Po had to laugh at this picture and put his paws on Sheng and Liana's shoulders. "Okay, then I would say: let's eat!"

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