4. Go in and win!

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Po was halfway happy about not having to stand at the edge of the field all the time, so that he had a few minutes to prepare for the fight. He went back to his friends and stood resolutely on his feet.
"Okay, do any of you already know who I have to compete against first?"
"Against a certain Bagula from South America," Viper explained to him.
"Wow, he has come a long way."
"I think, it took 10 times longer for him."
"How so?"
"Well, he's a..." Viper nodded towards the battlefield, where Po's opponent had already stood cross-legged.
Po's jaw dropped. "A sloth? Are you joking?"
"Don't underestimate him, Po," Monkey whispered to him. "Some also call him the 'Sleeping Lightning'."
"That's what it looks like."
At that moment, the announcer, a little monkey, stepped forward again and announced the first fight. "First round: the Dragon Warrior Po against Bagula from Brazil."
Po took a deep breath. "Phew, okay, wish me luck."
Bravely, he stepped forward into the open field. Once there, he turned to the masters and bowed. His gaze wandered to his first opponent, who was just putting his hands together and making a very, very slow bow.
Po frowned and just hoped they didn't want to fool him with some kind of laugh as a starting frequency. The panda stepped into the middle of the field. The sloth, however, needs a while before it stands in front of the panda. Po twisted his mouth. If this went on for the whole fight, he'd win the first round faster than he'd thought.
A rabbit, who was the referee, joined them. It raised its paws and both opponents took up positions. Po was ready immediately, but he had to wait almost half a minute until Bagula had finally taken up the fighting stance.
"That will be an easy fight," thought Po, a little disappointed.

"Should he compete against him?" Zedong asked and the corners of his beak sank down. "He could win at a canter."
He looked up at his father, but Shen had crossed his wings and was just looking down grimly.
"Maybe it's just a joke for the start," Fantao said while he ate from his noodle bowl.
Shen snorted. "Remember one thing, my boy. Kung fu masters never crack a joke."
"No jokes? Not even a little jest?"
Jian leaned forward curiously. "Does that mean they do never laugh?"
"Only if you fall on your beak," Shen growled quietly.
Fantao looked at him blankly. "Huh?"
"Eat your soup," his father hissed at him.

Po was sure that he could win the first round immediately, but his friends had their doubts.
"Why is he called the 'Sleeping Lightning'?" Mantis asked.
Viper leaned over to him. "They say he doesn't become active until ten o'clock."
"And what time is it now?"
Crane looked up at the sun. "Ten o'clock."
The rabbit gave the signal and the fight was opened. Immediately, Po attacked, but in such a way that he didn't hit too hard. His paws were aimed precisely at the sloth, but before he could touch it, the sloth avoided him and suddenly it stood behind the panda. Po looked around in amazement. His friends stood further away with their mouths open.
"How did he do that?" Mantis asked.
The sloth stood on its legs, but it didn't look like it had tried hard. Po launched another attack. But when he tried to kick at him, the sloth kicked Pos foot aside. Po lost his balance and spun around his own axis. He managed to brake just in time before he flew out of the battlefield.

"Wow, did you see that?" Zedong asked in surprise.
Fantao had almost choked on his soup. "Totes adorbs," he muttered.
Shen didn't listen to his children's comments. His eyes were only focused on the fight. Meanwhile, the panda had found the balance again and tried again to weaken his opponent with attacks, but Bagula always fended them off with one turn of the panda.
Shen's eyes narrowed. When he saw the panda fighting from afar, it reminded him of before. At that time, he had competed against him. How hard he had tried and he had to lose to a fat panda of all places. How would it have ended if he had defeated him?
"Shen?" the goat asked worriedly when she noticed his hateful look. "Would you like to go out briefly?"
"Don't be ridiculous!" the white peacock scolded. "And please let go of my robe!"
Actually, the goat just wanted to distract him, but the effect didn't last long.

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