25. Bitter Reunion

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The dark rain clouds had cleared away and the sun was drying the wet earth. Shenmi had just spent the rest of the day indoors, brooding, constantly peeking out of the window. Her sister Xia wondered a little about it.
"Is anything wrong?" she asked.
Shenmi looked up, startled. "Uh, no, I... I'm just waiting."
Xia sighed. "You're waiting for father, aren't you?"
Shenmi bit her lower lip. She was waiting for someone else too, actually, but she nodded, just so as not to upset Xia again. "Yes. Do you think he's coming today?"
The peahen shrugged helplessly. "I have no idea. You never know with father." Her face darkened. "But maybe it's even for the best if he stays away longer."
Shenmi looked at her in surprise. "How so?"
"Well, what do you think why he should do so because of someone?" Xia growled. "What do you mean what's going on here when father meets Xiang again?"
Shenmi said nothing. She hadn't even thought about that until now.
"I wouldn't worry about that," her mother suddenly spoke up, coming into the room but having overheard the two sisters' last sentences.
Xia looked questioningly at her mother. "What gives you that idea?"
Yin-Yu sat down on a chair. "I think, he will return to Mendong City soon anyway."
Shenmi jerked her head up and looked at her mother in disbelief. "He wants to leave?"
Yin Yu nodded. "Once the baby hatched. I took a look at the egg. Of course, when Xiang wasn't in the room. It really can't be much longer."
Xia's mouth twisted skeptically. "Well, I hope so. I can't bear to have him around anymore."
Shenmi, on the other hand, was not at all enthusiastic about this realization. If the baby hatched within the next few days, she would not be able to speak to Xiang. Was that why he put her off for just a week?
While her mother and her sister continued to talk, she looked longingly out of the window again.
Whoever is responsible for miracles out there, please send me a miracle.

The cart continued its journey quietly and steadily. Dao had nodded off on the load floor and was fast asleep. Shen sat unchanged on the carriage box and kept observing the surroundings attentively. Po, meanwhile, had done everything possible to cover up the bald patch on his head. Once with a piece of cloth, then with a tuft of straw, but everything kept falling down. Helpless, he sat down on his bottom and thought so hard that his head was spinning. If only he had a straw hat at least...
Straw hat!
The bull who pulled the cart wore a straw hat!
Quickly, Po leaned over the coach box next to the rabbit. "Hey, mate!" he called to the bull in front. "When we arrive, could I borrow your hat - temporarily? You'll get it back as soon as possible!"
The bull turned to him in surprise, then he grinned at the sight of Po's bald head and nodded in understanding. "Okay, if you like."
Po breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh, thanks buddy! I own you something."
Po's eyes wandered over to Shen. "And? Are you alright?"
Shen gave him an annoyed sideways glance. "What's supposed to be?"
"Well, I just thought..."
"You think too much, panda."
Po frowned in irritation. "Could you just stop and say my name? You did that so well before."
He waited a moment, but the lord's beak lips remained iron closed. Disappointed, Po dropped back into the cart.
The panda raised his head. "Yes, exactly! You can do it!"
Shen let out a derisive snort. "Not only gluttonous, but also deaf. That was not me."
Po looked at him in disbelief. "What?" Was it just his imagination?
"Po, is that you?" the panda heard the voice again, but it didn't come from Shen, the rabbit, or the bull.
He looked ahead. The cart stopped. In front of them stood a monkey on the road.
Po's eyes widened. "Monkey?"
Monkey whistled. "Hey, I found him!"
Po thought, he wouldn't see right when the remaining members of the Furious Five appeared.
"Hey, guys!" Overjoyed, the panda jumped off the cart, so violently that the wagon swayed, waking Dao up. The peacock sat up, drunk with sleep. "W-what?"
Po, meanwhile, ran to meet his friends, who welcomed him with relief.
"Po! Where have you been for so long?" Viper asked.
But the panda was so overwhelmed by the unexpected reunion that he threw himself forward and effusively hugged Monkey, Crane and Viper. "Hey friends! Panda hugs!"
The panda happily hugged his friends, only Tigress held back discreetly, but she gave Po a smile. "Nice to see you again."
Shen regarded the reunion scenario with disdain. "Tz, how uncivilized."
Finally, the tangle came loose and they faced each other soberly again.
"Guys, I missed you so much!" Po announced, almost with tears in his eyes.
"How was the journey?" Viper asked.
"Yes," Monkey agreed. "At least, you are still..." The monkey was about to say "in one piece", but then he now noticed the bald spot on Po's head.
Mantis vibrated his antennae in irritation. "Po, what have you done with your hair?"
Po was frightened and pressed a paw on the bald head. "Er... just an accident at work, not worth mentioning!"
"Are you sure?" Crane asked, not quite convinced. "Or was there trouble?"
"Uh, well..."
"What about Shen's brother?" Monkey asked curiously. "Or did it not go as expected?"
Po tapped his fingertips together. "Uh, well... it's... oh yeah! Come on, I have someone to introduce you to."
He ran back to the cart. His friends followed him eagerly.
In the meantime, Dao had got down from the wagon and was looking at the many new animals with uncertain eyes.
"Dao," Po announced, "these are my best friends. China's greatest heroes... except for me maybe... but these are the famous Furious Five. – Guys, this is Dao."
Dao looked first at Po, then at the Furious Five, performing a small bow.
Silence fell. Po noticed the confused looks of the others, who stared at the peacock in bewilderment.
Dao looked down at himself. "What is it?"
The panda guessed what was going on and placed himself next to his friends. "Just don't get confused. They may look alike, but they are not twins."
"Am I seeing double?" Mantis wanted to know.
Po giggled. "No, but I'm sure you'll get used to it." He leaned towards Monkey and Viper. "Say something nice to him," he whispered to them. "The journey had been very tiring."
"Welcome," Viper said quickly.
The others also bowed their heads in greeting.
Dao returned the salute with a bow again. "Nice to meet you."
"Isn't he dangerous?" Mantis whispered in Po's ear.
"Don't worry," Po assured. "We can explain everything. You know he was..."
"Before you start telling something," Tigress admonished. "You'd better make sure you get home as soon as possible."
Po looked worriedly at the tigress. "Oh, is it because of Shifu? Is he mad?"
"Let's put it that way," Viper intervened, "he wasn't jumping for joy."
Crane lifted his wing. "It's better if I fly ahead, then the master can react beforehand."
Po swallowed hard. "Okay, do it. Let him know. I'll tell you the story later."
Crane nodded and quickly, he flew away.
Po turned back to the rest of his friends. "Guys, I have so much to tell you! You won't believe what I've experienced! But I can say one thing." He stroked his bald head. "Japan is not exactly a holiday destination. At least not for kung fu warriors."

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