17. Absentminded

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If Yin-Yu had known how far her husband and the Dragon Warrior had come, she might have been relieved and worried together. Although somebody couldn't say that the ninjas hadn't harmed a hair on their heads yet. At least that would apply to Po. In addition, both were previously searched thoroughly. Especially Shen's entire plumage was scanned for weapons. They even found the money in the robe, adding to Shen's anger. After this rowdy "body search" both were taken away without further explanation. But the question that occupied both of them, what was planned for them, was abruptly replaced when the ninjas revealed their hiding place on the island. Because contrary to what was expected, the black panthers did not live in houses, but their dwelling was in the mountain. The large rock was riddled with several caves and tunnels. But even the residents didn't know who had built them, and they didn't care at all. In any case, they herded their new living prey into the tunnels, passing many cavities sealed with doors or boards. Po wouldn't have minded a guided tour, but instead they were shipped to the most remote part of the cave system, where they finally came to a couple of chambers with thick iron doors. Po had commented that he had never heard of ninjas in a mountain, but rather of shrines and beautiful wooden houses, whereupon Ravan had kicked him in the buttocks into his cell. Shen had obediently complied with the request and voluntarily entered his own cell. Then the doors were slammed shut and the two travelers were left alone in solitary confinement.
Shen was kinda glad not to have to share a small cell with the panda. The peacock let another minute pass, then he groped his way to a wooden bench on which he lay down. He absolutely had to gather his strength again and went through everything again in his mind. For a moment, it all seemed like a strange dream. Did he actually wake up soon and lay in bed next to Yin-Yu at his hometown Yin Yan City and the brother didn't even exist? Slowly, Shen lifted his foot and scratched his other leg with his clawed heel. The pain proved enough that he wasn't dreaming, but wide awake. He closed his eyes with a sigh, although it was pitch black around him, but that way he could concentrate better. Again he saw Dao. His behavior was strange. Even Shen couldn't remember being that cold. Not even when he had attacked the panda village back then. And it was even stranger that Dao seemed to have no will of his own. Even when he was trained for it, he gave the impression of a trained dog, blindly obedient to his master. But his master didn't seem particularly interested in Dao's dignity. He was nothing to them. Just a pawn for their raids.
"Oh man!" Po grumbled next door. "Hopefully the kung fu committee doesn't find out. Simply knocked out by the competition. I just don't believe it! And this has to happen to me. The Kung Fu Champion of the Year, of all people!"
Shen was already afraid the panda would give a lecture, but to his relief, the panda let out a loud yawn. "Alright. Shen, I'll have a quick break! Wake me up if there's trouble. I would prefer something to eat, but I have to catch up on some sleep that I missed this morning." With these words, the panda let fall himself on the bench. "It's all awesome, isn't it? I mean, your brother is totally... I don't know, out of all. I mean, maybe he even got a blow on the head when he doesn't even remember you..."
"Panda!" Shen interrupted him with annoyance. "Aren't you going to catch up on your sleep?"
"Uh, sorry, I thought you wanted to talk."
"Just do the world a favor and shut up for a while."
Po frowned. "And for how long?"
Shen offered a prayer to the heaven. "As long as you can make it," he pleaded.
The panda next door pushed the air through his teeth. "Okay." Then he turned onto his side. For a few seconds, there was silence. But when Shen thought he could doze off peacefully, Po's words widened his eyes.
"But you'll let me know if you want to talk, won't you?"
With forced calm, Shen tapped his finger feather tips together. "If I felt like talking, I'd ask you, wouldn't I?"
"Okay." Po lay down again until he lifted his head again. "So I'll be quiet now, alright?"
Shen let out a shaky growl of anger. "Just be quiet!"
Po puckered his mouth. "It was just a question."

Farther away from the two prisoners, the ninjas had made themselves comfortable in a large cavity in the tunnel system. The furnishings had no resemblance to typical Japanese furniture. At least that's what Po would have noticed. But the panthers seemed to flout any national tradition. Everything was much more like a den of thieves made up of all sorts of loot. Only large Japanese vases on the wall were the exception. Otherwise, the floor was covered with oriental carpets, a massive large table adorned the middle of the room and benches and chairs stood around it, whereby Ravan with the samurai helmet on his head occupied the largest place at the end of the table. The other ninjas had removed their head coverings and were feasting on the food.
Here and there a comment was made as to what should be done with the prisoners.
"Maybe we could really use them for some fights," one of them suggested, mouth full.
"But I would do without the fat one," said another one. "It's only good for shot put."
Ravan raised his paw. "Well, I also have my doubts about the black and white pudding, but I'm not so sure about this bird whether it will comply."
The person sitting next to him looked at him in surprise. "Why not? The imitation of him had been easy to influence. Thanks to your good ideas. Why not with him, too?"
The leader narrowed his eyes. He had noticed Shen's look immediately. He may have acted clueless, but his mind was clear.
He stroked his chin thoughtfully. "It may be, but it doesn't seem that he is easy to break."
He snapped his fingers and one of the largest built ninjas stood up.
"Get the next batch ready for our chicken. And just in case, make two more servings. Maybe we can get the newcomers to taste some of it today."
The broad built ninja grinned and rubbed his paws in anticipation.

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