Chapter Ten

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Juvia's POV
Ok, so today Lucy fainted after we fought the beasts, so Natsu took her back to the guild and it looks like it was just after shock of the unison raid. Now Gray-Sama and I just got back to my apartment.

Gray-Sama walked over and kissed me. It was filled with more lust than usual though. He kissed me again and I kissed back, then he picked me up and brought me to the couch putting me down. He kissed my neck and kissed all up my neck and back on my lips again. I kissed him back as I had started to get horny and he laid me down on the couch with him on top of me. I sucked on his neck leaving a big red Hickie then kissed him up to his lips again. I slid my hands under his shirt and pulled it off him.

~time skip---sorry no details KAPPA~

I lay in bed next to Gray-Sama, "That was amazing.. I love you Juvia."

Gray-Sama pulled me against him and I nuzzled my head into his chest. My eye lids felt heavy so I closed them and next thing I knew, I was asleep.

Natsu's POV

I woke up sitting against the wall in the guild. I felt Lucy sleeping against my chest, so I didn't get up. I wonder how it's going with Gray and Juvia.. they probably have a better love life than I do. I wonder if Gray banged her yet, I mean he is almost always naked..

"Natsu!" I realized I had said the last part out loud.

"If Gray even thinks about hurting Juvia he'll regret it." Lucy looked almost as though she could march over to Gray and punch him right now.

"Luce calm down, I'm sure they haven't, and if they have then I'm sure they both agreed to do it." I massaged her shoulders to make her relax then kissed her on the cheek.

Lucy automatically tensed again. "uh-um, I should probably go home and change.." she jumped up and got out the door before I could protest.

I got up off the floor and headed back to my apartment, when I got there I saw someone knocking on the door. "Hello? Can I help you?" The person turned around and it was a girl slightly younger than me with bright pink hair like me and she had the biggest grin on her face. She actually looked familiar but I couldn't figure out why.

"Natsu!!!" The girl bounced over to me and hugged me so tight I could explode.

"Um... could I ask.. who are you?" She pulled away and looked at me with a slightly annoyed face.

"You don't remember?" She tapped her foot on the floor and crossed her arms.

I shook my head than whispered, "could you remind me?"

She smiled again, "I'm.. Rosey, or that's my nickname, my name is Rosella.. Rosella Dragneel."

She said her last name so quietly not even I heard her, but I didn't mind and I invited her inside. I poured her and I some chocolate milk then sat down in the living room.

"So why were you looking for me?" I asked.

"Well.. my family.. I lost them when I was really young and another family took me in but a few days ago they were murdered.."

"Say no more, you can stay at the guild with me and if you need a place to stay, you can stay here for awhile." I didn't mind helping her out, my family passed away when I was little too, that's when Igneel found me. Come to think of it.. there's something I'm forgetting.. something.. important.

"Really??" Rosey's face lit up with glee.

"Of course!" I put our glasses in the sink then walked back over to Rosey.

"Come on I'll show you the guild."

Juvia's POV

I woke up next to Gray-Sama
Butt-Naked, oh my god.. I quickly put on my shorts and accidentally put Gray-Sama's shirt on. I looked at the clock, 9:00. I should make some breakfast. I went downstairs and started making some bacon and eggs. I heard footsteps come down the stairs and turned around to see Gray-Sama shirtless. I instantly remembered what happened last night and my face turned red hot, I turned around for him not to see my face then I felt his hands go around my waist as he pulled me into a hug from behind.. with no shirt.

"Gray-Sama.. your shirt.."

"I would be wearing a shirt but," he tugged at my shirt, "you took mine."

I looked down and realized I was wearing Gray-Sama's shirt and blushed. "oh, um, sorry Juvia forgot.."

He laughed, "I could always take it off you again..."

I blushed madly, "Gray-Sama.. Juvia will go change," just then I smelt something burning.

My eggs! I screamed a little and
Gray-Sama went and quickly put the pan in the sink with cold water.

"Juvia will make some more.." I hadn't made the bacon yet so I went over to the package.

"It's ok, how about we go to the guild for breakfast." Gray-Sama smiled.

"Ok... Juvia's mind is thinking about something else right now anyway." I put the bacon back and cleaned up a bit, I changed and gave Gray-Sama's shirt back then we headed out.

At the guild there was a girl beside Natsu slightly younger, and she looked just like him. I split up from
Gray-Sama and went over to Lucy. "hey.. Lu-Chan.."

"Ya?" She looked at me puzzled but determined.

"I slept with Gray-Sama... who's that girl with Natsu?" Lu-Chan completely ignored my question.
"You what? When? Where? How?"

I explained everything and now she looked anxious, "so.. now that you've slept with him.. have you wondered if your pregnant? We're you safe?" I looked at her slightly shocked then thought about it.

I don't remember using any kind of protection at all.. now that I think about it.. I don't even have any kind of protection in my house..

"Uh oh..." by this time all the girls were pretty much filled in so we all went to the drug store to get a pregnancy test. We bought a box then went back to my apartment.

Who is Rosella to Natsu?
Is Juvia preggers?
If she is, how will Gray react?
All of this will be answered in the future chapters.. lol sorry that NaLu has become a big part of my Gruvia Fanfic but I like them both quite a bit so sorry. ~Baiiii!!!

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