Chapter Two

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"Gray-Sama! Juvia will come with you!" Juvia exclaimed.
"Fine, you can come just incase it doesn't go as planned."

With Gray


"Yes, Juvia?"

"I was just wondering if-" Juvia was cut off by a a strange voice.

"Well, looky here you brought your girlfriend." The girl snickered.

"Girlfriend?!? She's not my girlfriend!" Gray exclaimed. 'Wow Nevara sure has grown a lot since I last saw her with her, long white hair, just like mom's' Gray thought to himself.

"I'm sure she would beg to defer. But anyway, where's the necklace Gray?" She questioned.
Juvia just danced around fantasizing about Gray.

"Nevara, I'm not giving you the necklace, you don't need it." Gray scowled.

"Well look at you, you haven't changed a bit, stubborn as always, non the matter." she then lifted up Juvia with her wind magic, pulling her at each limb. Juvia quickly shook herself out of her fantasy and started struggling but the more she struggled the more stretched she got.
"Juvia!" He exclaimed.

"Hand over the necklace or your little girlfriend gets it!" She sneered.

"Why do you want it anyway?" Gray questioned.

Nevara ignored him, "tick tock" she hummed as she stretched Juvia's limbs apart so hard some off her skin broke.

'I can't stand to watch this, not Juvia I-I mean not my guild mates.' Gray thought to himself, "here" he tossed her a necklace made of ice that looked just like the real one, "you can have it."

"Thanks for the cooperation," She sneered and hovered away.

"Juvia!" He ran to her side as she fell to the ground, Juvia could barely breath. 'Nevara will pay for this, nobody hurts Juvia uh-I-uh mean my guild mates' he thought to himself. Gray carried Juvia back to the guild where everyone had gone home. Juvia could breathe by then.
"Gray-Sama?" Juvia said as she slowly sat up but gray pushed her back down.
"Don't try to sit up, you're badly hurt."
Gray grabbed some bandage and started wrapping up Juvia's shoulders where her skin had torn.
"Thank you Gray-Sama"
"It's no big deal, I wouldn't let anyone hurt yo- uh my guild mates." Gray blushed and lay beside her. Juvia smiled and then rested her head on Gray's chest and quickly snoozed off. Gray smiled, 'what's wrong with me? Why do I have such strong feelings towards protecting Juvia? Do I like her? She is kinda cute and nice and kind... Stop it mind, Juvia is just your friend nothing more, just a friend.' Gray kept thinking about Nevara and fell asleep.

In The Morning

Gray woke up surprised to see Juvia rested beside him, with his arm around her but then quickly closed his eyes because of the sun. He slowly moved his arm from around her and got up.
'Did I sleep there all night? He questioned himself, It was a pretty good sleep, oh geez I hope nobody saw us.' His train of thought was interrupted by Juvia.
"Hi Gray-Sama, did we sleep here all night?"

"I guess we did, we kinda just dozed off" Gray replied.

"Well, Juvia has to go to her apartment, see you later Gray-Sama" She chanted.

"Uh, ya see you" Gray then remembered Nevara, I hope she hasn't figured out its not real yet. A voice startled Gray.
"Hey Gray! What are you doing in the guild hall so early?" Mirajane asked politely.
"Uh, nothing I-I just wanted to get a job before uhh the good ones were taken" he lied.

Natsu came barging into the guild "There you are Gray!" He scowled.
"What's your problem pinkie?" Gray taunted.
"You were supposed to fight me when you got back ice queen!" He taunted back.
"Who ever said that?!" He asked confused.
"I did, now are you gonna fight me or are you a chicken, ba-cooock bac bac ba-cooooock!" Natsu mocked.

"I'm not a chicken, but you sure sound like one bird brain!" Gray jumped at him. Natsu punched him back and they started fighting Gray stripped like usual, and Mirajane just smiled and watched them, yep a normal day in the guild.

Cana walk past them, "Gray, your clothes."
"Ya Gray stop being a pervert! " Natsu mocked him again.
Lucy walked in "Geez boys why do you always have to fight?"

Erza walked up to them and clunked both their heads "Stop fighting, I need to talk to Gray."
"What is it Erza?" Gray asked.
"Yesterday, after you went back to the guild with Juvia, your sister tried to kidnap me but failed, any idea why she'd do that?"
Gray blushed at the fact that Erza saw him take her to the guild "Yesterday when I went to make things straight with Nevara she didn't take it well and tortured Juvia until I gave in but I gave her an ice make one and I'm sure she figured it out quite quickly."

"You went back to the guild with Juvia, Gray?" Mirajane asked.
"uh-ya but just so I could bandage her" he said quickly.

Juvia walked into the guild hall in a very pretty blue silk dress and jaws dropped. 'Wow she's beautiful I could kiss her anytime uh I-I mean she looks nice in that dress Gray thought to himself am I starting to like her? No, Gray you're just friends with Juvia, nothing else.'
"Gray-Sama? Are you ok?" Juvia asked concerned.
"Ya, I-I'm fine, um, as I was saying Nevara might be looking for someone to keep captive so that I'll hand over the necklace." He continued.

"Wow Juvia why are you so dressed up? Are you going on a date?" Lucy questioned.
'A date?!? Has she moved on from me? Who is the guy she's dating is it Natsu? Lyon?!? Oh geez why am I getting jealous I don't like Juvia do I?' Gray questioned his own feelings.
"No! Why would Juvia go a date?! My heart only belongs to Gray-Sama!" Juvia exclaimed. "I'm doing a photo shoot for sorcerer weekly."

'Only me? Wow Juvia really does love me:) and maybe I should get a copy of the sorcerer weekly that she's in. Geez what's wrong with me?!?' Gray questioned himself again.

"Juvia is going to photo shoot now, see you guys later!" Juvia exclaimed as she skipped out the door.

"Be careful!" Gray exclaimed. Gray then realized that everyone was staring at him.
"Juvia lover!" Natsu mocked
"W-what I am NOT a Juvia lover!!"
"Yes you are you're just to oblivious to realize it!" Mirajane giggled.
"Hey, you guys leave me alone!" Gray then stomped out the door.

With Juvia

"And that's it, your photo shoot is over"

"Thanks guys, I'm gonna head home now bye!" Juvia said. As she started home she felt that there was a dark figure behind her but when she looked back there was no one there. "Gray-Sama!" She screamed. Then in the blink of an eye she was knocked out cold and in a bag.

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