Chapter Four

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"Gray-Sama?" Juvia started.
"Ya?" He answer.
"Would you like to go to the carnival with me?" She asked.
"Oh, uh, sure Juvia." He replied.

Day Of The Carnival

Thud! Thud! Thud! Natsu banged on Lucy's door. "Come on Lucy we gotta get to the carnival."
"Ya Lucy, get your dumb brains out here!" Happy mocked.
Lucy slammed open the door "Are you trying to get hurt cat!"
"Come on Happy don't be mean." Natsu pleaded.
Lucy blushed "Ok let's go you guys!"

With Levy

Gajeel stood inside the guild hall next to Levy. "The only reason I chose to go to the carnival with you was because Jet and Droy wouldn't stop fighting over you ya know." Gajeel fake moaned.

Levy half smiled and then looked away sheepishly. "Y-ya me to, I couldn't choose both of them so that's why I asked you." Levy blushed.

With Juvia

Juvia woke up to the bright, nourishing sunlight, she got up and opened the window, she loved the smell of fresh morning air. She looked at the sky in awe, the sun had just risen and the sky was still filled with beautiful Oranges, Reds, Pinks, and Purples.
"I wonder if Gray can see this right now, it's so beautiful." She thought aloud.
She herd a knock at the door, when she opened the door she was surprised to see Lyon at her door step on one knee with a bouquet of flowers.
"Juvia, will you go to the carnival with me?" He asked confidently.
Still shocked she answered "Uh, I'm sorry Lyon, but I uh, I'm already going with Gray-Sama."
That loser actually agreed to go with her? He asked himself. "Ok, well it was worth asking, see you around Juvia." He said sorrowfully as he walked out the door.

Juvia was startled when she heard a ring. She turned around and answered the phone.

*Phone Call*

Juvia: Hello?
Gray: Hi Juvia.
Juvia: Gray-Sama! Where are you?
Gray: On my way over I just have to do a quick errand then I'll be right over.
Juvia: Ok, bye Gray-Sama!

*Call Ended*

With Gray

Ding! "Hello, welcome to diamond jewellers! How may I help you?" The shopkeeper asked.

"I'm looking for necklaces" Gray replied.

"Right over here sir." The shopkeeper said.

'So many choices... hmm.. oohh, I like this one, its a silver chain with a blue sapphire shaped as a water drop.' Gray thought to himself. 'Wow, that's a lot of jewel for a little necklace! But it's worth it for Juvia:)'

"I'll take this one" The shopkeeper put the necklace into a dainty blue box.

As Gray walked up to Juvia's apartment, he saw Lyon just down street looking bummed. Thud! Thud!Thud! "Juvia!"

Juvia opened the door to find gray. "Hi Gray-Sama." she smiled.

"Hey Juvia I wanna show you something." He reached into his pocket for the necklace.

"Hey Gray what are you doing here?" Ezra called.
Gray quickly shoved the necklace back into his pocket. "Uh, I'm just picking up Juvia"

Juvia hopped out the door."Ya, we're going to the carnival together!"
Gray rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
"Oh how nice." Erza sighed.

"Who did you invite Erza?" Juvia questioned.

"Uh, nobody really."she replied.

"Anybody in particular that you want to invite?" Juvia asked.

"Well.. I would like Jellal to come, but he's busy hunting down dark guilds."

"Aww, well, we better get going." Juvia said.

"Ok let's go" Gray stated.

With Lucy

Grrrrrgrrrr.... "What was that?" Lucy asked.
"My stomach, lets go eat!" Natsu laughed.
"Hello, welcome to century corndogs!"

"10 corndogs please!" Natsu pronounced.

"But, Natsu there's only three of us." Happy stated.
"I'm not surprised" Lucy sighed.
MUNCH! CHOMP! SLURP! "Ahh, what a great meal." Natsu drank the rest of his soda.
"Natsu!" Happy and Lucy yelled as Natsu ate their corndogs.
"Sroorry" he said with a mouth full.

With Levy

"Hey look there's Natsu!" Levy commented to Gajeel.
"Oh ya, the bird brain." he moaned as they walked up to them.
"Hey guys!" Lucy hugged Levy joyfully.
"Let's go find Gray, Erza and Juvia." Levy chanted as she started to look around.
"There's no need to" Lucy said as she saw them.
"Hey guys, Gray-Sama came to carnival with me!" Juvia said cheerfully in a daze.
"Let's go to the Ferris wheel, I'm sure it will be fun!" Erza said as she walked off. When they got to the Ferris wheel they saw a dark figure in the corner. He turned around and.. it was Jellal!
"Jellal! What are you doing here?" Erza chanted.
"I just wanted to see you." Jellal blushed and looked away sheepishly.
"Awwwww!" Everyone awed.
"Let's go on the Ferris wheel Gray-Sama!" Juvia said pulling Gray.
"Come on Lucy" Natsu said.
"Uhh Natsu your motion sickness" Happy stated.
"It's ok I'll be fine!" He said as he pulled Lucy into the seat.
"I guess we should go on to, just because everyone else is that's all." Gajeel stammered.
"Y-ya we should." Levy blushed.
Jellal and Erza also got on the ride but they didn't say a word.

Gray looked off into the distance. 'This is probably the perfect time to give Juvia the necklace' Gray slowly reached into his pocket as so Juvia would not suspect him. "Hey Juvia?"

"Yes Gray-Sama?"

"I got you this" Gray pulled out the box and held Juvia's hand, leaving the box in her hand, he let go.

Juvia opened the box and she almost jumped out of her seat. "Oh, Gray-Sama! It's Beautiful!"

I'm glad she liked it. "Here let me put it on you" she handed him the necklace and Gray put it around her neck. It really was beautiful. He clasped the necklace together and then looked into Juvia eyes. "It's beautiful" although he really meant, you're beautiful. He then started to lean in towards Juvia.
"Oh, Gray-Sama" she then leaned in too, 'Yes, this is exactly what I've waited for all this time' she almost giggled. Their lips slowly brushed over each other, and a swift serge passed through Juvia's body from head to toe. Gray then quickly but softly kissed Juvia.

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