Chapter 11. Midnight job

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I walked down the road, Splendy just went home. I said I'd be fine and he worried but finally gave up after I kept saying if be okay. I looked at this one small place that read, "jobs for creeps" I walked in and I was greeted by a fully dark man, he looked like a shadow person. (I know he might be that giant white face you see in the game but I like him as a shadow. No judgie!!!) He said he was the midnight man. He needed help for a game that I heard about when I was alive. You had to follow these rules and if you didn't he'd kill you. I almost played it but then I heard how there was possible death and my schoolmates, jake and Derek called me a chicken. Apparently , they died... he took me in and let me help him on his work. I started that night. We went to a house with 5 teens playing the game. We watched as they knocked on their door and blew out their candles. We walked inside after them and decided to wander and find all the hiding spots. I was wandering and came face to face with a boy. Midnight man told me to kill them so I blew out his candle and knocked the matches out of his hand. He screamed and tried to run but I grabbed his arm. "P-please let me g-go midnight man! Please!" He begged. I felt horrible about this. "I'm not the midnight man. I'm his new apprentice. " I whispered. Then I took a bottle off the shelf, broke it over his head, then killed him. Midnight man saw this. I dropped the bottle next to me, I felt like throwing up. "Now you can use the blood for writing." said the midnight man as he put his hand on my shoulder. I shivered and dragged his dead body over to a wall and dipped my finger in his warm blood, being squeamish. I shivered as I wrote "your not safe" and let the "e" drip the most. Then midnight man made a handprint on the wall and I did the same. Soon after I washed my hands in the bathroom. "Whywhywhy..." I whispered to myself. I wandered to the living room and accidentally tripped a girl. She looked up at me in fear shaking. "K-Katy?" She said. "No, I'm not Katy ,Lucy. I am not the midnight man, I'm not one of your friends in this house. This is actually my first night." I said. "But your not the first one I killed, ugh it was awful." I shuddered. "I guess your next. " I said with a frown. "aaaaaaAAAAAAA!!!!" She screamed. He was behind me. He nodded and waved his hand which meant for me to finally finish her. I looked down at her with sad eyes. "I'm sorry." I whispered and ended her life.

~~~~~~~~~~after the game~~~~~~

I shuddered and rubbed my arms walking out of the house, eyes wide and frightened. I had blood splattered on my dress. I felt dizzy and nauseous. My legs wobbled and I sat down on the porch of the house. Midnight man walked up to me and laid a hand on my shoulder. "Not used to it yet huh?" He asked me. I shook my head. He sighed. "You gotta get used to it, or this afterlife won't work out for you." I sighed. "I know, I- I just can't do this." I put my head in my hands. "Hey, there's someone else you can work with."he said. "You don't have to kill." I looked up at him. "A-alright sir-r." I said. He took me to his apartment and we walked up to a computer. He knocked on its screen. "Ben! Ben! Get out!" He said. I cocked my head. He sighed. "There's a girl o-" he was cut off by a buzzing sound and someone popped out the computer. He looked like an insane version of link from legends of Zelda, sorta cute how small he was though. "heyyyy." he purred leaning on the wall and he looked me up and down. "Who's this?" He asked. "I-I'm lily jones, y-you are?" I asked a bit nervous. "Ben drowned." he said with a smirk. "She's new here, maybe she can ki- I mean work with you. " He said. Ben looked back at me. "Sure, I won't mind." he said. Midnight man nodded and and left. "So, you ready to go?~" he asked flirtily. This was getting weird. "Yes?" I replied. He smiled and jumped in the computer. He leaned back out halfway. He grabbed my wrists and dragged me into the computer with him. I found myself face to face with Ben when I opened my eyes. I was now a bit shorter, or wait... Was I always this short? I backed up a step and Ben said, "let's get going." He lead me down this weird hallway and I saw a large screen and it looked like a computer. "Okay, so you can make yourself look human again and when you go through here it instantly does that. It does it with me too. When we want to change to our normal form we can and we'll look like we do now." He told me smirking. I nodded nervously. "I wonder what you look like instead of blue and purple." He said. I can change from all blue to all purple. He grabbed my hand without warning and dragged me out of the screen. I was laying on the bed face planted. I looked up to see Ben hanging off the ceiling fan. I covered my mouth trying not to laugh. Then the hood went loose from the fan blade and he fell on top of me. I turned a bit pink and pushed him off. I was now sitting up and he was standing next to the bed. I looked at him. He was still blonde but his clothes and eyes changed. His eyes were now blue and he wore a green hoodie and blue jeans. I looked down at myself. I wore my dress that I died in. It was light blue that was really close to being white. I looked down at my hands. White. I felt my hair brush against my cheek. I ran my fingers through it. My hair was natural red again. I looked towards the mirror in the room. I saw my blue eyes and freckled face. I looked at myself sadly. I still had my pale white skin. I looked down at my blue flats. I looked over at Ben. He looked like he was in some kind of trance. I waved my hand in front of his face. "Hello? Earth to Ben!" I said. He blinked his eyes and shook his head. "Cmon, who are we after?" I asked. "Uh...Thomson Wiler." He said. He points to the bed. "It's almost time for bed for him and we'll hide and come to get him." I nodded sadly and we crept into the closet. I saw the window open. "Who is that?!" I whisper yelled. Ben covered my mouth. Since it was dark all I saw was a toothy grin, and green glowing eyes. I gasp and the eyes turn to the closet. They come closer and me and Ben try to hide quickly. We both get in boxes and I hear the closet door open. Two hands snake around my arms and pull me out. I'm facing the glowing eyes and sharp teeth. The smile turns into a confused frown. I can see that he knows I'm not that little boy. "Your not Thomson." He says walking over and dropping me on the bed. I back up against the headboard. "You want a doll little one?" He asks with his smile reappearing. "I h-have t-two things t-to s-say. Who t-the heck a-are you and I'm e-eighteen." I stutter. His smile widens and he come closer. In the moonlight see blood red hair and his face is white and has a bit of face paint on it like a jester. I back up more and hit the headboard. A puppet falls out of my pocket. The puppet from the day I met LJ. I see the person's eyes shift down to it. He puts his hand out and grabs it. His hand has a bit longer fingers than normal and long nails like blades. He turns the puppet in his hands. " I'm guessing you've met the puppeteer." His smile grows. "I'm Jason the toy maker. " he says. That name plays over and over in my head. 'Jason, I know that name from somewhere...' I thought. "You need some fixing." He says smiling. "Hold still" he puts his sharp nails by me then the closet door flies open revealing Ben in his normal form with blood dripping out of his eyes again. "Jason! She's dead! She's dead!" He yells. He turns to Ben. "Ben, haven't seen you in a while." He says getting up. "Jason, lily is dead! Please listen to me, someone murdered her! She's in her human form! Lily change back!" It took me a little bit to change back and I was in my normal ghost body again. I started hovering a bit over the ground. "Well, you are." He said. I nodded a bit nervously. "So, when did you meet the puppeteer?" He asked. "The who?" I asked. He held the puppet into view. "Oh, him? I was twelve? I think so, yeah! I was twelve." "I see, what's your name, exactly?" He asked. "L-lily Jones." I said quietly. His pupils dilated. He backed up a step. "W-what?" I asked. He shook his head "n-nothing..." I cocked my head. "Then why do people always jump when I introduce myself?" I asked a bit stern. I heard footsteps coming towards the room. "Goodnight mom!" I heard muffled from the door. I gasped. I fell back and accidentally possessed the doll that Jason The Toy Maker placed down on the bed. "What the-" Ben started to say then Jason pulled him into the closet to hide. Thomas opened the door and hopped into bed. I fell to the floor with a thud. "Huh?" I heard him say and he looked at me over the edge of his bed. He grabbed my long bunny ear and held me in one hand squeezing my belly. I let out a little squeak. 'Great, I'm a squeaky toy...' I thought. The boy shrugged and threw me onto the pillow. He laid down and when he closed his eyes I looked over at the closet. Ben was peeking out. "Do something." He whispered. I nodded and crawled by Thomas and pulled on his hair a bit and he opened his eyes. I laid down and he looked over at me. "Huh?" He said to himself. He shrugged it off and went back to sleep. I jump off the bed quietly and sneak over and grab a mirror off of his dresser and sit on a chair facing his bed. I throw the mirror to the ground and it shatters. He quickly sits up and looks around. His eyes look over at me on the chair. I have my head tilted. I see fear in his eyes but he doesn't show fear. I put my head upright while he looks. He gasps. I get up and get a running start and I jump off the edge of the chair onto the bed. He backs up against the head board. "H-hi Thomas, l-lets play-y a gameee-e!" I say quietly but creepy. "How a-about hide-de and seeeek?" I walk closer. "Okay okay! Don't hurt me!" He cries. "Keep this a secret, okay?"  I ask smiling. He nods scared. I hug his arm "great!" I chirp. "I-I'll count, you hide somewhere in this room." I tell him. He nods and I go sit on the sink in his bathroom. I cover my eyes but peek a little. He runs in the closet. I get to ten then I hear a muffled scream. I run to the closet. I put my ear on the door and I hear the most grossest sounds ever.  I gag then peek through a little hole. I see the boy's limbs ripped apart and he's gushing blood everywhere. I feel lightheaded and pass out.

~~~~~~~~~~ben's pov~~~~~~~~~~~

I hear a small this outside the closet. "Oh god, did the parents hear us and they're coming?!" I ask worried. "No, I already took care of them." Jason says. I think for a bit then one name comes to my mind. "Lily!" I yell getting up and opening the door. I see her laying on the floor still a rabbit. I pick her up. "She passed out..." I tell Jason. I cradle her in my arms and Jason brings me to his toy shop. I lay her down on one of the tables and sit down. She moans and gets up. "Ugh, what happened?" She asks me. I look at her. "Morning." I say smiling. "What happened?" She asks again. "You passed out and I brought you to Jason's toy shop." I tell her. She gets up and unpossessed the doll and sits down next to me on the steel table stained with spots of blood. She shivered at the sight of that. Jason walked in and grabbed his rabbit dusting it off with his hand. Jason was acting very carful around lily, how come he is? Maybe it's because what slender said. He said she has demon blood but I don't believe she's evil because of that. She told me before she hates slender. I was surprised at first but she told me he murdered her family. I heard a sort of buzzing sound. Sort of like static. 'Oh god, gotta get lily out of here. He's coming.' I thought to myself. "Lily, we gotta go. There is someone else on the list too." I said. She smiled and nodded but I could see a mix of hurt, pain, and sadness in her eyes. I grabbed her hand and brought her to the screen and threw her in and she landed on her feet. I heard him say, "where is Ben, I have to speak with him." In my mind. I gasp and hop in the screen too and lead lily in a run through the Internet and we get to a giant screen. "Wait wait wait! Why are we running?" She asked. "Well-I-uhm-uh-um" I stuttered trying to find an excuse that would actually make sense. She put her hands on her hips. "Never mind, let's just go." She said sighing. I grabbed her hand and pulled her through the screen with me. We were in a dark room. Lilly's eyes widened then started to tear up. Then she ran into the darkness. "Lily!" I yelled running after her trying to find her. I found her kneeling on the ground next to a girl who wasn't alive, and she was crying. The girl had large stab wounds in her chest. I kneeled next to lily and said. "You don't have to do this with me if you don't want to." I know something happened here that she doesn't want to talk about. "N-no, it's fine. Who do we have to kill?" She asked. "Chris Lamoe." She makes a fist with her hand. "What was his name again?" She asked getting madder and madder. "Chris L-Lamoe." I stuttered. "I got this." She said taking a glass bottle and hitting it on the wall really hard. She was extremely mad. "O-okay.." I said. I followed her up the stairs and jumped in the tv in the bedroom. Chris was asleep but someone was in the bathroom. Lily possessed a small doll and sat down on a girl's jacket. Someone opened the bathroom door and walked in. She had long brown hair, shiny green eyes, and she was wearing a blue nightgown. The girl walked over and looked down at lily. She tilted her head and picked her up. Lily quickly covered her mouth. The girl wanted to scream. "Shhhh, run from this guy. He killed me." She said. The girls eyes widened. She took Lily's hand off her mouth. "He killed a rabbit?" She asked. Lily sighed and unpossesed the doll and I saw her pretty face again. "He killed me. Lily jones. He killed my friend and I ." Said lily. The girl gasps. "Hurry, run away while you can!" Said lily and the girl ran. Lily took the bottle and went over to Chris and stood over him. She shook him violently. "Vanessa, not now." He mumbled putting his hand up and trying to push her away. His hand went right through her. He opened his eyes. "Huh? Vanessa?" He asked. "Oh, I'm not Vanessa."she said darkly. he was awake now. "Y-YOU!" He screamed pointing at her and trying to scramble out of bed. She grabbed his wrist and threw him at the wall. She stood over him and grabbed his wrists. She put a foot on his back and pulled pulling him the wrong way. He screamed in pain. She took the broken bottle and stabbed him in the back of the head, face, and neck. She cut his throat open. Blood spewed everywhere. She flipped him over and cut his stomach open. She tipped intestines out one by one. He still screamed. She got to his heart. "Shouldn't have messed with me." She said in a deep voice and ripped his heart out. He died. She picked up his kidneys and put them in a jar on the guy's dresser. She wipes her hands off on his bedsheets. She looks at what she did. Her eyes become sad and she covers her mouth. She backs up and screams. She goes to the computer, jumps in it and runs crying.

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