chapter 3

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I opened my eyes and there was a golden face smiling at me. "Hey there." He said to me "h-hi." I wimpered. I looked down to see my hands and feet were tied together. I looked back up and he was closer "w-what are you doing?! Why am I tied up?!" I yelled. "Woah woah, easy..." He smirked "I'm here to help." "n-no your not, your just like them! Your gonna kill me aren't ya!" I started to struggle. "P-please d-don't h-hurt m-m-me!" I cried. He laughed. "Don't worry, it'll be quick and painless. " he said. He was about to kill me and someone opened the door. The police. The strange man ran out leaving only a puppet which I put in my nightgown and I knew I was safe.

Lily the phantomWhere stories live. Discover now