Whom would you choose ???

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It was a normal day...

Payu wakes up first and gives warm milk for Rain to drink and then prepares breakfast...

He feeds breakfast to Rain...

Payu : Baby...
Today I have one important meeting to attend....
It will be over within an hour...

So please take rest or do something okay...

I will be back in sometime....

Rain : Phi I want to keep my old assignments and books somewhere because am not using it anymore...

So tell me where should I keep them...
Until you come I will be doing that...

Payu : Hmm
You can go keep all those things in store room

Rain : Okay phi...

Payu then pecks on Rain's lips and goes to attend the meeting...

Here Rain separates all the books which he wanted and which he did not want...

After separating everything he takes them to store room...

He keeps all the things there and starts to look around the store room...

There were so many unwanted things and some where Payu's old things, may be his college time things like foot ball...

And sports wear clothes everything...
There were few old photos and of Payu in college times and when he was a teenager...

Rain was so happy seeing his husband's old things...

As he was happily seeing all those his eyes falls on a box 📦 which was kept separately...

Rain was curious...

So he opens it....

And he was shocked...!!!
His eyes starts flowing...!!!

The box full was gifts and photos and things related to Clio...

There were so many types of costly gifts like watches... bracelets... neck chains and dolls...

Rain could easily identify it was all related to Clio because he also saw so many photos of Payu and Clio together which were kept in that box...

Rain starts crying 😭

He suddenly felt that all the care and love Payu was showing was just for the baby in his belly and he still loves Clio forever...

He goes out of the store room crying and directly goes to the 'home office' were Payu was sitting and working...

Payu suddenly gets panicked seeing Rain crying and standing in front of him...

He immediately disconnects the meeting and runs to Rain...

Payu : Baby...
What happened...???
Why are you crying like this...???

Rain : Why are you doing this to me..??😭

I was okay being alone in my life with my mom right... why you came back and brought me here...???😭

Payu was not understanding anything...

Payu : Baby please tell me what happened..???

Payu tries to hug Rain...

But he pushes Payu hard...

Rain : Don't touch me...!!!

Payu seriously was not having any idea why Rain was crying and
Rain was not even ready to respond to him...

So Payu runs to store room to see what happened there...

As he went inside he saw that the box of things which were related to Clio was open and everything was shattered here and there...

He understands why Rain was crying now...

He quickly runs back to Rain...

Payu : Baby...
Please listen to me...

Rain : I don't want to listen anything from you...

I hate you...!!!

If you still love your ex why did you bring me here...

I don't want to be your second option just because of the baby growing in my belly...

Just leave me...

Payu : Baby no...
You not understanding please listen to me...

Rain was still crying...

He wipes his tears and looks at Payu intensely...

Rain : Phi...
Let me ask you something...

If in case your ex is alive now and comes back to you now

Whom would you choose...???

Payu : I will definitely choose you baby...

Rain : NO...!!!
You won't....

You will never choose me over him...
You always loved only him and never chose me...

Even now you're with me because of the baby...

Payu : Baby please stop crying...
Please listen to me once...

Rain pushes Payu...

He continues crying and gets so exhausted that he faints and falls on Payu...

Payu gets so panicked...
His hands started shaking...

He immediately carries Rain and goes to the car...

He makes Rain to sleep in the back seat and takes him to hospital....

In the hospital Rain was taken inside to examine...

Payu was scared and panicked he immediately calls his family.....

They all come there in some time..

Payu was crying so much...!!!

Payu : Baby am sorry...


Note : What will Rain do...???
How will Payu explain him...???

End of the chapter...🤗🤗🤗
Thanks for reading...😍😍😍
Love you all 😘😘😘


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