New feelings 🥹😍

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After feeding Rain...

Payu : Rain will sleep for some more time or what you want to do...

Rain : Am not sleepy anymore phi...

You go and continue your work... if I want something I will call you...

Payu : Okay...
Please call me any time you want okay..

Rain : Okay phi...

Payu then goes back to the table and continues his office work..

Rain doesn't do anything he just sits on the bed and starts scrolling his mobile...

He starts to scroll the mobile but his eyes automatically falls on Payu...

He wanted to admire his alpha...

So his eyes were attached to Payu...

Payu was seriously working...

When Payu looks at Rain...
He would act like doing something in mobile but he was just sitting there and admiring Payu...

After sometime Rain starts to feel hungry again...

Rain : Phi...

Payu immediately goes to Rain...

Payu : Yes Rain...

Rain : Am hungry..!!!

Payu : Okay I will cook something for you...

Saying this Payu stops his work in the middle and goes to kitchen to cook something for Rain...

Rain was really so surprised he was feeling like he was seeing a new person in front of him...

So gentle and so calm....

Within few minutes Payu comes back with the food and starts to feed Rain...

Payu : Do you like it...???
Is it good..???

Rain : Yes phi..
It's really tasty and I like it

After finishing the food

Payu : Rain can you lean to the headboard and sit...

Rain leans to the head board...

Payu then starts to massage Rain's legs...

Rain feels uncomfortable and he quickly pulls his legs back..

Rain : Phi...
What are you doing...???
Don't touch my legs like that...
Your elder than me...

Payu : Rain...
Am your husband and it's my duty to take care of you...

Saying this Payu pulls his legs back and starts to massage again...

Rain feels so so happy...

He never imagined all these would ever happen...

Rain : Phi...
You said your my husband but we are divorced na...

Payu : Does that even matter to you...???

Even if we are divorced... still am your husband...

And I don't care that a single paper will write our fate...

It's me and you who decides at the end...

Am your only alpha and you're my only omega now...!!!
Nothing can change this....

Rain heart was beating like crazy...
There were hundreds of butterflies flying in his tummy...

Whole day Payu takes care of Rain and finally it was evening...

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